
What does assumes mean?

What does assumes mean?

undertake assume responsibility

What is the best synonym for assumption?


  • hypothetical,
  • if,
  • postulate,
  • premise.
  • (also premiss),
  • presumption,
  • presupposition,
  • supposition.

What is an unjustified assumption?

If you describe a belief or action as unjustified, you think that there is no good reason for having it or doing it.

What should be done to avoid unjustified assumptions?

How to Avoid Jumping Straight to Assumption

  1. Assess Your Beliefs. It is important to step back and really dig into why you believe what you do about a person or situation. Reflect on where your assumptions are coming from.
  2. Ask Questions First. Questioning is the antithesis of assuming.
  3. Seek Multiple Perspectives.

What is the opposite of an assumption?

assumption. Antonyms: distrust, timidity, bashfulness, misgiving, self-distrust, consternation, dismay, alarm. Synonyms: arrogance, boldness, impudence, self-confidence, selfreliance, effrontery, presumption, conviction, certainty, self-assertion….

How do you use assumption in a sentence?

Examples of assumption in a Sentence I made the assumption that he was coming, so I was surprised when he didn’t show up. He will come home tomorrow. At least, that’s my assumption.

What are your assumption about me?

“That you are always happy. That you work hard and strive to do your best and easily laugh at yourself.” I am definitely not ALWAYS happy. I do always strive to do my best and I think everyone should be able to laugh at themselves, too!…

What are the assumptions of the art?

Three assumptions on art are its universality, its not being nature, and its need for experience. Without experience, there is no art. The artist has to be foremost, a perceiver who is directly in touch with art….

Where do you put a hypothesis?

The research question, the objective or hypothesis of the study, helps to set up context for what you have researched and why you chose to study this particular topic. Therefore, it is included in the Introduction of the manuscript….

Is purpose and hypothesis the same thing?

Again, the wording of the research questions, hypotheses and purpose statement are similarly. The difference is only slightly and is due to context. Seeing these similarities quickly will help you to move faster in finishing a study….

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