
What does Biff say to McFly?

What does Biff say to McFly?

Biff Tannen : Hey, McFly! I thought I told you never to come in here. Biff Tannen : Since you’re new here, I-I’m gonna cut you a break, today. So, why don’t you make like a tree and get outta here?

What is Doc Brown’s catchphrase?

Great Scott

Is there a quote in Back to the Future about 2020?

“Whatever happens Marty, don’t go to 2020!” Great Scott! Famous last words, eh? If only we knew then what we know now.

What did I tell you 88 miles per hour?

Emmett Brown : [the DeLorean has just made the first time-jump] Ah! What did I tell you? 88 miles per hour! The temporal displacement occurred exactly 1:20 a.m. and zero seconds!

How much is 1.21 gigawatts?

A gigawatt is equal to one billion watts, and most of us are familiar with a watt. The light bulbs in our homes are typically between 60 and 100 watts. So 1.21 gigawatts would power more than 10 million light bulbs or one fictional flux capacitor in a time-traveling DeLorean.

Why is 88 mph?

88 is the number where the car can safely pass through the wormhole. For fear of going too slow and chopping the car in half, doc designed the car so that it cannot open the wormhole unless the car is travelling at 88mph.

Is a lightning bolt 1.21 gigawatts?

Lightning strikes can contain thousands of gigawatts of power, so it’s easily conceivable that a bolt of lightning could supply us with 1.21 gigawatts of power, but only over the course of about 50 microseconds (one microsecond is one-millionth of a second). Sure, that’s a lot of power but actually not a lot of energy.

Can a DeLorean go 88 mph?

A DeLorean can reach at least 150 mph, but White said his vehicle “was perfectly happy” doing 88 mph. Although the original John DeLorean sports car does not have all the bells and whistles added by Doc Brown in the hit film, White’s DeLorean did come with a faux flux capacitor installed by a previous owner.

Can plutonium generate 1.21 gigawatts?

2 seconds or less it is in use and the plutonium generator does not need produce 1.21 gigawatts. If we allow for a 24 hour recharge time for the battery then the generator only needs a continuous output of 2600 watts.

Is a Jigawatt a real thing?

Fictional measurement? The film’s writers Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale intended for the power to be gigawatts, but heard it pronounced as “jigawatt” and as such spelt and said it that way in the script, not learning the real pronounciation until after the film had been shot. This is not quite true.

Why are there 1.21 gigawatts?

What about the giga? Giga is a prefix for units that typically means 109. This means that 1.21 gigawatts would be 1.21 x 109 watts.

What does plutonium look like?

Plutonium, like most metals, has a bright silvery appearance at first, much like nickel, but it oxidizes very quickly to a dull gray, although yellow and olive green are also reported. At room temperature plutonium is in its α (alpha) form.

Can you touch plutonium with bare hands?

People can handle amounts on the order of a few kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium (I personally have done so) without receiving a dangerous dose. You don’t just hold bare Pu in your bare hands though, the Pu is cladded with some other metal (like zirconium), and you generally wear gloves when handling it.

How can plutonium kill you?

Because it emits alpha particles, plutonium is most dangerous when inhaled. When plutonium particles are inhaled, they lodge in the lung tissue. The alpha particles can kill lung cells, which causes scarring of the lungs, leading to further lung disease and cancer.

Is it legal to own plutonium?

Plutonium and enriched Uranium (Uranium enriched in the isotope U-235) is regulated as Special Nuclear Material under 10 CFR 50, Domestic licensing of production and utilization facilities. As a practical matter, it is not possible for an individual to legally own Plutonium or enriched Uranium.

Is it legal to own depleted uranium?

Depleted uranium (“DU”) is considered “source material” under Title 10 CFR, the NRC’s administrative code. There are three ways to legally possess depleted uranium source material: If it is a solid chunk of DU or another non-dispersible form, that limit is 7 kg.

What color does plutonium glow?

Radioactive Elements Glow in the dark (ONLY those considered radioactive glow – Uranium glows green, Plutonium glows aqua, Radium glows blue, Radon glows purple, Einsteinium glows blue, Curium glows purple, Phosphorus glows green, Thorium glows orange) by simply exposing them to light or sunlight for a few minutes then …

What does plutonium smell like?

Plutonium (Pu) is a synthetic radioactive heavy metal, and has a nasty reputation. Pu is very dense, very heavy, and very dangerous. If anything at all, you may smell faint hints of something similar to hot metal. The “scent” your brain would try and recognize would actually be radiation tearing through your nose.

What are 3 uses for plutonium?

Different uses have been found for plutonium. Plutonium-238 has been used to power batteries for some heart pacemakers, as well as provide a long-lived heat source to power NASA space missions. Like uranium, plutonium can also be used to fuel nuclear power plants.

Which country has the most plutonium?

The largest stockpiles belonged to the United States with 502 tons of plutonium, Russia with 271 tons and France with 236 tons, according to the report. Stocks of civilian plutonium grow by 70 tons each year, according to the report.

Which is better plutonium or uranium?

Plutonium-239, the isotope found in the spent MOX fuel, is much more radioactive than the depleted Uranium-238 in the fuel. Plutonium emits alpha radiation, a highly ionizing form of radiation, rather than beta or gamma radiation. When alpha-emitters get inside cells, on the other hand, they are extremely hazardous.

Can you touch uranium?

Uranium in its natural state is 99.3% U-238 isotope, which has a very long half life and hence decays very slowly. Also, while it decays it emits alpha radiation, which can be easily blocked by a piece of paper or your skin. So nothing is going to happen if you touch it.

Is uranium worth more than gold?

Weapons-grade enriched uranium, of which uranium-235 comprises at least 93%, , is much cheaper, though twice as expensive as gold – around 100,000$ per kilogram.

Why is plutonium used instead of uranium?

However, since any Plutonium can be used to create a bomb, no matter how unstable, Plutonium is considered the material most used in the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Its production as a by product of Uranium reactors means that harvesting it requires much less energy than creating enriched Uranium.

Why is thorium not used?

Thorium cannot in itself power a reactor; unlike natural uranium, it does not contain enough fissile material to initiate a nuclear chain reaction. As a result it must first be bombarded with neutrons to produce the highly radioactive isotope uranium-233 – ‘so these are really U-233 reactors,’ says Karamoskos.

Is plutonium used in bombs?

Plutonium-239 is a fissionable isotope and can be used to make a nuclear fission bomb similar to that produced with uranium-235. The bomb which was dropped at Nagasaki was a plutonium bomb. Not enough Pu-239 exists in nature to make a major weapons supply, but it is easily produced in breeder reactors.

What is the most powerful bomb in the world?

Tsar Bomba

Which country made the Tsar Bomba?


Did the Tsar Bomba shake the earth?

Although the Tsar Bomba was detonated 4 kilometres above ground, a seismic shock wave equivalent to an earthquake of over 5.0 on the Richter Scale was measured around the world. The mushroom cloud reached a height of 60 kilometres. Third degree burns were possible at a distance of hundreds of kilometres.

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