
What does Captain Ahab symbolize?

What does Captain Ahab symbolize?

Even if the whale kills him, Ahab will choose his own doom. Thus, Ahab represents mankind in rebellion against Nature, fate, or God. He will fight against fate, rather than resign himself to a divine providence.

Why is Captain Ahab obsessed?

In the novel Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is obsessed with seeking revenge on the white whale, Moby Dick. His long struggle results in the death and destruction of the entire crew, except for Ishmael, the storyteller.

What does Ahab obsession reveal about his character?

A) Ahab’s obsession reveals that he is motivated, stubborn and crazy. Ahab sees things how he wants to and gives them the power to become far larger than they really are. C) Starbuck is on the boat to work, and if that means killing Moby Dick, he’ll kill Moby Dick.

What does Captain Ahab fear?

His deeply-rooted ideal is to prove that his capabilities and strength are sufficient in the pursuit of desired satisfactions. His worst fear is that he is incapable in the face of the challenges of the world; that he would become castrated by life when trusting in his own activity.

Is Ahab a hero?

Ahab, the Pequod’s obsessed captain, represents both an ancient and a quintessentially modern type of hero. Like the heroes of Greek or Shakespearean tragedy, Ahab suffers from a single fatal flaw, one he shares with such legendary characters as Oedipus and Faust.

Why does Ahab want to kill the white whale?

He announces his desire to pursue and kill Moby Dick, the legendary great white whale who took his leg, because he sees this whale as the embodiment of evil. Ahab nails a gold doubloon to the mast and declares that it will be the prize for the first man to sight the whale.

What is the white whale a metaphor for?

The White Whale is ultimately a metaphor. A metaphor, like a symbol, has to do with an object representing an idea or a different, non-literal object. The White Whale is frequently used as a metaphor for an obsession, usually in the sense of a goal that you chase but are unlikely to attain.

Why does Starbuck accuse Ahab of blasphemy?

Starbuck accuses the captain of blasphemy for seeking revenge against a “dumb brute . . . that simply smote thee from blindest instinct” (Chapter 36). For Ahab, blasphemy is no vice. He would “strike the sun if it insulted me.” The captain wants to take on the structure of nature, even God himself.

Does Ahab ever catch the whale?

When Moby Dick is eventually sighted, a disastrous three-day chase begins. Entangled by the line of his own harpoon, Ahab falls overboard and drowns as the whale dives and takes him along.

What does Ahab believe exists?

(b) Ahab believes that we cannot see God directly, but we can see him indirectly through nature’s beauty.

What does Ahab’s peg leg symbolize?

Finally, Ahab’s leg is a symbol for energy and determination. More specifically, his worn out and cracked leg, the one the carpenter must replace, reflects Ahab’s resilience and activity. We can’t consider Ahab lazy or lethargic.

Why are the Pequod’s planks dented?

why are the pequods planks dented? because ahab has a peg leg and the dents represented how much time he had paced the deck, after moby took his leg.

Why are the Pequod’s planks dented answers com?

Answer Expert Verified The planks are dented because, Ahab, the captain of the ship has an amputated leg, and the dents represent the frequency of his walking up and down the deck with his peg leg.

What happens to the boat carrying Ahab?

In Herman Melville’s MobyDick, what happens to the boat carrying Ahab when it nears MobyDick? It is crushed by MobyDick’s tail. It is swallowed by the whale. It sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

What symbolic meaning do you find in the comparison between Ahab and the mast?

What symbolic meaning do you find in the comparison between Ahab and the mast? Ahab is expressing fear and apprehension prior to this (his next attempt to kill Moby-Dick) and that Starbuck is making one last futile effort to persuade Ahab to forgo the quest.

What is Ishmael trying to say about the sea?

Ishmael says that when he goes to sea he prefers going “as a simple sailor” (Melville 20) to going “as a Commodore, or a Captain” (Melville 19). He rather abandons “the glory and distinction of such offices to those who like them” (Melville 19) as he has enough responsibility taking care of himself.

What does Ahab say is his real purpose for making the voyage?

When the crew signed aboard the Pequod, the voyage was to be nothing more than a business venture. However, in the following excerpt, Ahab makes clear to the crew that his purpose is to seek revenge against Moby-Dick. Encourage them to record their own opinions of Ahab’s quest and the reactions of the other sailors.

What does Ahab make the harpooners do once they have promised to pursue the white whale?

What does Ahab make the harpooners do once they have promised to pursue the white whale? Ahab says that the crew will hunt Moby-Dick. The Pequod chases Moby-Dick for two days. The Pequod catches up with Moby-Dick.

What finally happens to Captain Ahab?

Captain Ahab is a one-legged captain of the whaling ship Pequod. Filled with hatred, Ahab is finally tangled up in a harpoon line and dragged to the bottom of the sea by Moby. The whale sinks the ship and the whole crew dies except for Ishmael.

What does Ahab offer as a reward?

In Chapter 36, we see that Ahab offers an enormous reward to whoever is able to spot the white whale. This is a gold coin. This coin is a Spanish ounce of gold, or a gold doubloon. Ahab nails this coin to the mast in order to encourage his men.

What is Queequeg’s job aboard the boat?

Queequeg’s job aboard the boat is a harpooner.

What does Ahab tell Starbuck just before?

Why is Ahab tell Starbuck just before his whaleboat is lowered into the water? What follows Ahab’s boat as it pulls away from the ship? -Starbuck thought it was a waste of time and money. What happens to Ahab at the end of the novel?

What is Starbucks objection to the pursuit of the white whale?

Part of Starbuck’s objection to the way that Ahab talks about Moby Dick is based on the fact that Ahab ascribes motives to a whale that an animal couldn’t possibly have.

Why did Ishmael go to sea?

He explains that he himself went to sea because, like these men, he was feeling a “damp, drizzly November in [his] soul” and craved adventure. Shunning anything too “respectable” (or expensive), he always ships as a common sailor rather than as a passenger.

What words would you use to describe Captain Ahab?

Aside from his leg, Captain Ahab’s appearance is terrifying and intense. He has gray hair, a scorched face, and a giant scar running down his face and torso. Captain Ahab is insane. Ishmael describes him as crazy and evil personified.

How does Ishmael survive?

Ishmael is the only survivor of the Pequod’s encounter with Moby Dick. He escapes only because he had been thrown clear of the area in the wreck of Ahab’s harpoon boat. Queequeg’s coffin bobs up and becomes Ishmael’s life buoy.

How long was the Pequod at sea?


Why do Starbuck and the others join Ahab’s quest?

Why did Starbuck and the others join Ahab’s quest? They were moved by Ahab’s speech and courage.

Which word best describes Captain Ahab?

bold, adventurous, curious.

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