
What does designated time mean?

What does designated time mean?

Related Definitions Designated Time means, in respect of an application for Units or a Withdrawal Request (as the case may be), the time during each Business Day designated from time to time by the Responsible Entity pursuant to clause 7.11 or clause 8.11 (as the case may be).

What is the designated area?

A Designated Area is defined by OSHA as “A distinct portion of a walking-working surface delineated by a warning line in which employees may perform work without additional fall protection.” It’s easy to say that these concepts are what they sound like, but that’s not a definition that would hold up in a court of law.

How do you use the word designated?

Designated sentence example

  1. They walked into the camp from the designated exercise areas.
  2. Betsy was knee deep in meetings through the dinner hour so I was designated to baby sit Howie.
  3. Returning to her designated room, she hung all her clothes in the cedar lined wardrobe and tucked her personals in the spacious dresser.

What does Designated Driver mean?

English Language Learners Definition of designated driver : a person who agrees not to drink alcohol on a particular occasion so that he or she will be able to safely drive around other people who will be drinking alcohol. See the full definition for designated driver in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is a throng used for?

A throng is a crowd of people or animals. On the crowded platform, the throng of passengers attempted to push their way into the already overcrowded subway car.

What is a throng in Bible?

a multitude of people crowded or assembled together; crowd. a great number of things crowded or considered together: a throng of memories.

What does wielding mean?

transitive verb. 1 chiefly dialectal : to deal successfully with : manage. 2 : to handle (something, such as a tool) especially effectively wield a broom. 3a : to exert one’s authority by means of wield influence.

What does wielding power mean?

to exercise (power, authority, influence, etc.), as in ruling or dominating. to use (a weapon, instrument, etc.) effectively; handle or employ actively.

What does it mean to yield a sword?

To give over possession of, as in deference or defeat; surrender: yielded my seat to the speaker; yielded his sword.

What does AXE wielding mean?

1 to handle or use (a weapon, tool, etc.) 2 to exert or maintain (power or authority)

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