What does Dimmesdale do that evening and all through the night?

What does Dimmesdale do that evening and all through the night?

What have Hester and Dimmesdale decided to do about their situation? What does Dimmesdale do that evening and all through the night? he starts to write the sermon that he will give in 3 days at election day. Describe Election Day and how is it celebrated?

What does Dimmesdale do after leaving Hester in the forest?

Terms in this set (101) As Dimmesdale is leaving the forest to go back to the town, what does he wonder? Dimmesdale plans to give his last great speech (Election Sermon) three days from now and that will be his last official duty.

What happens when Dimmesdale returns home?

Dimmesdale hurries home and, because he is agitated, Chillingworth offers to give him some medicine to calm him down. Dimmesdale lies to Chillingworth, telling him that though he knows his medicine is dispensed by a loving hand, he does not need it. As if possessed, Dimmesdale returns to the town, a man on fire.

What happens to Dimmesdale at the end of the novel?

At the end of the novel, Dimmesdale makes a speech and exposes his chest to the community gathered around the scaffold, then dies. Dimmesdale believes that by finally confessing his secret, he has saved his soul: “Had either of these agonies been wanting, I had been lost for ever!” He dies at peace.

Why does Pearl reject Dimmesdale’s kiss?

Why does she reject Dimmesdale’s kiss? Pearl cannot imagine Hester without the scarlet letter, and is connected to it. Pearl rejects Dimmesdale’s kiss because he refuses to go back into town holding hers and Hester’s hands. She is unsure if Dimmesdale truly is her father, so this leads to the action she has done.

Who did Hester kill in Scream Queens?

All except for the quality of the thrill (and the heist). Hester and Boone were raised to kill by Gigi, with Hester emerging as the brains of the operation. Although she only commits one actual murder (Pete), she coordinates almost all of the other ones.

Where is Hester buried?

the King’s Chapel graveyard

What does Pearl demand that Hester do with the sunshine?

Represents purity, divinity, and happiness. Pearl wants Hester to give her some “sunshine”. This is symbolic because the sunshine is representing goodness, and Pearl has to find her own because her mother committed a sin herself, and may not be the best role model.

Who said sooner or later he must needs be mine?


Who according to Chillingworth is most deserving of vengeance?

The person who is really deserving of vengeance, according to Chillingworth, is Hester’s partner in sin. He says: “Between thee and me, the scale hangs fairly balanced. But, Hester, the man lives who has wronged us both!

Why dost thou smile so at me inquired Hester troubled at the expression of his eyes art thou like the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us hast thou enticed me into a?

“Why dost thou smile so at me?” inquired Hester, troubled at the expression of his eyes. “Art thou like the black Man that haunts the forest round about us? Hast thou enticed me into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul?” “Not thy soul,” answered Chillingworth, with another smile, “no, not thine!”

Who said Thou must gather thine own sunshine?


Why does Pearl cry for a red rose?

When Hester and Pearl visit the governor, “Pearl, seeing the rose-bushes, began to cry for a red rose, and would not be pacified” (96). As Pearl’s fascination with the wild rose bush grows, she associates herself more with the symbol of defiance and passion.

Who said what little bird of scarlet plumage may this be?


What did pearl see at the Governor’s Hall that caught her attention?

What item in the governor’s mansion catches Pearl’s attention? The suit of armor because her mom’s A is reflected off of it in a strange way.

Why does Chillingworth look uglier and more misshapen to Hester now?

Hawthorne first described Chillingworth as having a look of “calm intelligence.” Now he has changed, becoming uglier and more misshapen. His obsession with revenge is making him become evil, another of the novel’s themes. This is Hester’s second major conflict with Puritan authority.

How has Chillingworth changed since Hester last saw him?

They both are pretty, looked down upon, torture Hester, & teach Hester a daily lesson. How has Chillingworth changed since Hester last saw him? More ugly, darker, older, evil,& his desire for revenge.

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