What does extension mean in a lesson plan?
Average: 3 (2 votes) An extension task is further activity around the aims of a class but after it, often as homework. Extension tasks can provide more, or different, forms of practice. They can also make classroom learning more meaningful, as they give learners a chance to personalise language and content.
What did you learn by extension activities?
By extending activities, you allow for more practice, long-term memory (see above), confidence, and ‘real’ learning to happen.
What are the 7 E’s?
So what is it? The 7 Es stand for the following. Elicit, Engage, Explore,Explain, Elaborate, Extend and Evaluate. In this stage you want to engage interest and curiosity, raise “The BIG questions” and introduce new learning through teacher explanation modelling.
What is the importance of community extension program?
Community Extension Program is a voluntary action of any public or private group, which aims to extend some help and support to a community in order to uplift the status of the people. It can be in any forms such as providing medical care, financial assistance, educational assistance and more.
What are the principles of extension?
Such principles are: extension work must be based on the needs and interest of the people, extension work should be based on the knowledge, skills, belief and value of the people, extension encourages people to take action and work out their own solution to their problem, rather than receiving ready- made solution, an …
What are the objectives of extension education?
Objective of Extension Education. The basic objectives of extension education is to raise the standard of the people living of the rural area by helping them in using their natural resources (Like land; water, livestock) in the right way.
What is the community extension program CEP all about?
The HITRUST Community Extension Program (CEP) was created to promote education and collaboration among organizations in the HITRUST ecosystem. The primary objectives of CEP events are to help organizations adopt and leverage various HITRUST programs and resources. HITRUST CSF Assessors normally facilitate the program.
What does community extension service mean?
Community Extension Services is the office that implements the community development and outreach program of the university. It facilitates the implementation of program and services that geared towards empowering communities especially the poor. History of USI-CES.
What is educational extension services?
Noun. 1. extension service – an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students.
What is community extension program in the Philippines?
It involves students in organized community service. It is pedagogy of teaching by which students learn and develop through active participation in organized community service. It is dedicated to meeting local community needs, while developing their academic skills, civic responsibility and commitment to the community.
What are the extension services?
An agricultural extension service offers technical advice on agriculture to farmers, and also supplies them with the necessary inputs and services to support their agricultural production. It provides information to farmers and passes to the farmers new ideas developed by agricultural research stations.
How can I be a good extension agent?
Successful extension agents need several specific qualities. You need excellent public speaking skills, and you should be comfortable working with large groups of people. You must understand agricultural education practices, family and consumer science, and have a knack for writing and building presentations.
What are the qualities of an extension worker?
The personal qualities required in an extension agent include: – Commitment to extension work and to working, at times, in isolated rural areas, with a sense of dedication and determination to get some extension activities under way.
How much does an extension agent make?
Extension agents in the United States make an average salary of $52,829 per year or $25.4 per hour. People on the lower end of that spectrum, the bottom 10% to be exact, make roughly $29,000 a year, while the top 10% makes $93,000. As most things go, location can be critical.
What are the duties of extension officer?
- 3.1 Education. The primary responsibility of extension personnel world-wide is that of education.
- 3.2 Diagnostic Services.
- 3.3 Supply of Production Inputs.
- 3.4 Product Promotion.
- 3.5 Enforcing Regulations.
- 3.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Extension Responsibilities.
What is extension teaching methods?
extension teaching methods are, individual contact methods, these include, farm and home. visits, office calls, telephone calls and personal letters; these are the methods, that are. normally used to contact individual persons.
What is the function of extension?
The function of extension is to bring about desirable changes in human behaviour by means of education. Changes may be brought about in their knowledge, skill, attitude, understanding, goals, action and confidence. Change in knowledge means change in what people know.
What are the characteristics of extension education?
Features of Extension Education: (i) Participation is purely voluntary. (ii) It is an informal education. ADVERTISEMENTS: (iii) Teacher or extension worker starts with practical first and thereafter theoretical aspects are to be touched i.e. First Practical then theory.
What is the philosophy of extension education?
According to Ensminger (1962) (1) Extension is educational for all village people. (2) Extension is changing the knowledge, skill and attitude of the people. The basic philosophy of extension education is to teach people how to think, not what to think.
Who is father of extension education?
J. P. Leagans
How many types of extension education are there?
there are mainly three types of education, namely, Formal, Informal and Non-formal. Each of these types is briefly described below.
What is extension communication?
Communication. Mass media in extension. Audio-visual aids in extension. Communication – the sharing of ideas and information – forms a large part of the extension agent’s job. By passing on ideas, advice and information, he hopes to influence the decisions of farmers.
What is the meaning of extension?
noun. an act or instance of extending, lengthening, stretching out, or enlarging the scope of something. the state of being extended, lengthened, or stretched out. that by which something is extended or enlarged; an addition: a four-room extension to a house.
What is the example of extension?
The definition of an extension is an addition such as to a building, an extra phone line connected to the main line or an extra amount of time given to someone to pay a debt. An example of an extension is adding a second story to a single story house. An example of an extension is line two on a business line.
What is extension name of a person?
The suffix is an explanation of the first name, not the last. In a full name listing, the suffix follows the last name because the person is primarily known by is given name and surname, the suffix being a secondary piece of information.
What is an extension to a building called?
ANNEXE. an addition that extends a main building.
What size extension can I build without planning permission?
Rear extensions tend to have the least amount of red-tape associated with them, and in most instances you should be able to build a single storey extension of up to four metres for a detached house, or three metres for all other types of house, likely without needing planning permission or prior approval.
What are the stages of building an extension?
Know the stages of your house extension building project
- Site Establishment. • Secure access to your home and the site.
- Demolition/Groundworks/Drainage. • Make safe all amenities to your home.
- Build structure/Roofing/External Finishes.
- Internal Renovation and Remodelling.
- Services, Internal Fitout and Finishes.