What does FC mean in softball stats?

What does FC mean in softball stats?

Hit into fielders choice

What is a good on base percentage for softball?

500 on base percentage. An on base percentage of over . 400 is considered really good.

How do you figure out stats for softball?

Count the number of singles, doubles, triples or home runs for the player. Only these base hits will figure into a batting average. Divide the number of hits by the number of at-bats. Round the number to the third digit after the decimal.

What are good softball pitching stats?

What softball measurables do college coaches look for in a pitcher?

  • Height: 5’9” or taller.
  • Pitch velocity: 63+ MPH.
  • Command of at least 4 pitches: fastball, changeup, multiple movement pitches.
  • ERA: below 2.50.
  • Strikeouts: 1 or more per inning pitched.
  • Walks: 1-2 per game or fewer.

What is the hardest position in playing softball game?


What’s a dead ball in softball?

Definition. A dead ball is a ball that is out of play. Dead balls are frequent occurrences during a game, and the dead-ball period typically does not last long before the ball is put back into play. Dead balls most frequently occur when a batted ball becomes a foul ball or a fair ball is hit out of the playing field.

What does BOT mean in softball?

It is an illegal pitch or a balk to throw to an unoccupied base while in contact with the pitching plate (rubber).

What does eat it in softball mean?

The other fielders see that throwing the ball likely won’t result in an out, any may mean the ball is thrown away and the runners advance. So, they yell out “eat it” in an attempt to get the fielder to hold on to the ball and minimize the offensive damage.

What does GTG mean in softball?

gtg/g2g= good to go, g3g= a little better than g2g, g4g= twice as gtg as g2g.

What are points called in softball?

Run – The act of scoring in softball. Each time a baserunner reaches home plate, she has scored a run and accumulated one point for her team.

Who are the offensive players in softball?

Softball is a team game adapted from baseball. It is played by two teams of nine players each. Each team plays one-half of an inning as the offensive or “at bat” team, and the other half as the defensive or “in the field” team.

What does RBI mean in softball?

Runs Batted In

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