What does George answer when the boss asks what he trying to put over?

What does George answer when the boss asks what he trying to put over?

What does George answer when the boss asks what he is trying to put over? He says he isn’t trying to put anything over, that he and Lennie travel together, they are cousins. He says that Lennie is slow mentally because he got kicked in the head by a horse, but that he is a strong, good worker who follows orders well.

What is George’s answer to slim?

Slim and George have a long conversation. Slim says it’s funny how George and Lennie go around together. What is George’s answer? He explains that Lennie had no one else to take care of him, and George assumed the responsibility.

Why does George remind Lennie of their hiding place?

Why does he think this is necessary? He lies about what they used to do for work and why they left Weed. He believes these lies are necessary because he doesn’t want anyone to know that they had to run away because Lennie is a wanted criminal. George reminds Lennie of the hiding place by the river.

What does Lennie hide in his pocket and why How does George respond to this?

Lennie has a dead mouse in his pocket, and when pressed to throw it away by George, he reluctantly agrees, but secretly keeps the mouse. The mouse symbolizes Lennie’s love for soft things, which will eventually get him into trouble.

Does slim let Lennie have a puppy?

Slim has agreed to give one of the pups to Lennie, and George thanks him for his kindness, insisting that Lennie is “dumb as hell,” but is neither crazy nor mean.

Which statement best describes Candy’s reaction to the death of his dog?

Q. Which statement best describes Candy’s reaction to the death of his dog? He is glad to finally be rid of the dog. He is quiet and sad as he lies on his bunk staring at the ceiling and the wall.

What is ironic about Lennie?

Lennie’s name is ironic because Lennie is not ‘small’ at all. He’s a hulking beast of a man, one who can outwork a team of field hands and barely break a sweat. For all of his extraordinary physical prowess, though, Lennie has the mind of a child.

Does George complain about taking care of Lennie?

On the other hand, George’s anger is quickly under control, and he blames himself for scolding Lennie. In fact, Steinbeck makes clear that, despite his complaining and frustration, George looks out for Lennie and genuinely cares for him.

How is Lennie name both symbolic and ironic?

Expert Answers Lennie’s last name is given to the boss when they have just arrived at the ranch and he is signing them up on his payroll chart. The last name is Small, which is ironic since Lennie is so enormous and so strong that he is sometimes compared to a bear.

What lie does George tell the boss about Lennie?

The Boss arrives and questions his new workers about their late arrival and then their skills and previous employment. George speaks for Lennie, making the Boss suspicious. George lies, telling him that Lennie is his cousin and he looks after him because he was kicked in the head by a horse as a child.

What page number does George kill Lennie?

Knowing that the vindictive Curley is likely to torture Lennie, George kills him himself. After the discovery of his dead wife, Curley becomes enraged and claims he will shoot Lennie in the “guts” in chapter five, page 96 (Penguin Books paperback): He worked himself into a fury.

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