What does Giles Corey reveal about his wife?

What does Giles Corey reveal about his wife?

What does Giles Corey reveal to Reverend Hale? He is worried because his wife reads “strange” books at night. One night he couldn’t pray until she stopped reading a book. For proof, she claims that Tituba has caused her to laugh during prayer.

Why is Giles suspicious of his wife?

One night he couldn’t pray until she stopped reading a book. He suspects witchcraft. Also Know, why is Giles Corey suspicious of his wife? His statement that she reads books secretly has brought the court’s suspicious on his wife, so he is feeling guilty because he has hurt her and her reputation.

Why does Giles Corey say that his wife has been reading strange books?

Giles Corey tells Hale that his wife Martha has been secretly reading books and that these books prevent him from praying. Parris tells Hale about Abigail, Betty, and the others dancing in the woods. Hale questions Abigail, and she blames Tituba for everything.

Why does Giles Corey suggest His wife is charged with witchcraft?

When Hale asks about the charges, Giles tells him that Martha was charged by Walcott for bewitching the pigs with the books she read. With Martha’s arrest, Giles states that he “broke charity with her” (his wife). He realizes that it is his fault that she stands accused of witchcraft.

Why was Martha Corey hanged?

Martha Corey (1619 or 1620 – September 22, 1692) was accused and convicted of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials, on September 9, 1692, and was hanged on September 22, 1692. …

How may I live without my name?

How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name! Proctor utters these lines at the end of the play, in Act IV, when he is wrestling with his conscience over whether to confess to witchcraft and thereby save himself from the gallows.

Who really stuck the needle into Abigail’s stomach and why?

Mary Warren was sewing a ‘poppet’ in court to pass the time as she was bored. She stuck the needle in the doll to keep it safe. Abigail saw Mary do this. During dinner at Parris’s house, Abigail fell to the floor screaming and a needle was found stuck two inches into the flesh of her stomach.

Why does Elizabeth want John to go see Abigail?

Elizabeth originally wants John to go to Salem so he can tell the court that he knows the girls are lying. Then, when she finds out she was accused in court, she wants him to go to Salem to speak directly with Abigail. Elizabeth makes these requests with an eye towards correcting injustice and saving her own life.

Why does Elizabeth think Abigail wants to kill her?

Why does Elizabeth think Abigail wants to kill her? Elizabeth knows of John’s affair with Abby. She believes that Abby wants to take her place as John’s wife. Hail came out to question all accused persons for himself so that he would have some knowledge of the people before they appeared in court or Jail.

Why does Elizabeth hate Abigail?

In Act One, when her uncle, Reverend Parris, asks about Abigail’s reputation in town, she promises that her name is good. She insists that Elizabeth Proctor “hates [her]” because Abigail “would not be her slave.” She calls Elizabeth a “lying, cold, sniveling woman” who she cannot abide working for.

Why is Mary Warren afraid of Abigail?

Mary is afraid of telling the truth about Abigail because she thinks that Abigail will accuse her of witchery and then she will end up in jail awaiting a trial. Also, if she tells the truth, then she would be going against the young girl’s group dynamic and then risk being accused.

Is Mary Warren innocent?

Mary Ann Warren was the oldest accuser during the 1692 Salem witch trials, being 18 years old when the trials began. She was a servant for John and Elizabeth Proctor. Renouncing her claims after being threatened to be hanged, she was later arrested for allegedly practicing witchcraft herself, but did not confess.

Why did Mary Warren give the poppet to Elizabeth?

The poppet that Mary Warren innocently gives to Elizabeth foreshadows Elizabeth’s arrest in Scene 4. When Mary Warren tells them the court accused Elizabeth, Abigail’s plan becomes clear. Time is now the most important element in the play. With each arrest for witchcraft, Abigail gains credibility.

How does Mary Warren abuse her power?

Mary Warren abuses her power because she wants to save herself. Abigail’s abuse of power comes from her desire to get Elizabeth hanged so she can marry John Proctor. Abigail believes that John Proctor has feelings for her, from their previous affair.

How is Mary Warren used by both sides?

Hover for more information. Mary Warren is a pawn throughout the entire play. Mary is used by Abigail Williams to cast guilt on Elizabeth Proctor by bringing a poppet into her house. The poppet has a pin in it, and it is used as evidence to prove that Elizabeth harmed Abigail with the pin and the doll.

How old was Mary Warren when she died?

19 years (1674–1693)

Why does Mary accuse John of witchcraft?

Mary sees how Abby has turned the judges against her, and because she fears being accused of being a witch, she denounces her previous claims of having pretended, and accuses John of influencing her.

What does Abigail say is a deadly sin?

The sin that she represented the most is envy. On page 24, Abigail says, “Oh, I marvel how such a strong man may let such a sickly wife be-”. In this quote, Abigail is showing her envy towards Elizabeth Proctor. Lust is the craving for sexual pleasures.

Who accuses John of witchcraft?

John’s maid, Mary Warren, who later would be accused of being a witch, had accused John of being a wizard. Proctor denied the accusations and accused the witches of lying about his involvement, he wouldn’t confess even when tortured, and he wrote to leaders in Boston for help.

Why does Mary change her story and accuse Proctor?

It is obvious that Danforth thinks Proctor is a liar, and Mary takes the opportunity to accuse him, knowing that she will be believed, just as Abigail knew that Abigail would be when she initially accused Tituba, a slave, of witchcraft. This is certainly an opinion question but it can be proven by facts in the story.

Why does Mary change her testimony?

– I suppose Mary Warren changes her testimony at the end of this act because she was in fear that Abigail would try to blame her for being a witch again. She just wanted Abigail to stop accusing her and in order to accomplish that she had to get on her good side.

Why has Mary Warren changed so much?

One of the most evident changes in Mary is that she is more assertive. In Act I, when Proctor enters and threatens to beat her, she is much more timid. In Act II, she presents herself as much stronger and assertive because of her role in the trials. Simply put, Mary has power and she is not afraid to show it.

Why does Abigail claim a cold wind has struck her?

Why does Abigail claim a cold wind has struck her? What is she trying to achieve? Abigail does this because John was very close to closing in on her, and she claimed a cold wind struck her. She is trying to stop Danforth from probing in anymore before she gets in trouble.

Why is Reverend Parris worried about his reputation?

Why is Parris so worried about the evidence of witchcraft being discovered in his own house? Parris wants to remain minister and fears any evidence that may harm his reputation. He sees that Parris is more concerned with keeping his position as minister than with practicing his true religion and devotion to God.

Why does Elizabeth lie to Danforth?

The result of Elizabeth’s lie is to make a bad situation worse for herself and Proctor. She is asked by Danforth whether her husband had an affair with Abigail, and she denies it, wanting to save Proctor’s reputation.

Why won’t Giles give the name of his informant?

why won’t giles give the name of the person referred to in the deposition? bc he knows the trouble the person will get in if he tells them his name, Giles will not give them the name. this shows that he’s a man of his word.

Why does Hale quit the court?

At the end of Act 3, Reverend Hale quits the court in Salem out of frustration because he sees that irrationality and hysteria have taken over the proceedings. However, in Act 4, we learn that he has returned to Salem to speak with the prisoners and convince them to confess.

Why does Elizabeth lie in court?

In this case, Elizabeth is lying because she does not want to hurt her husband and his good name. She does not want him to get in trouble for what he did. In a similar way, John is telling the truth because he wants to help Elizabeth (along with other people). He wants to stop the Court from continuing the witch hunt.

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