
What does going to war feel like?

What does going to war feel like?

It’s an experience that changes soldiers, and those changes last a lifetime. They have little experience of the world, let alone war, death, and killing. For them, and for all soldiers, combat is a complex mix of emotions that define the experience of war and shape the experience of coming home. Fear and Exhilaration.

How does war affect soldiers mentally?

Death, injury, sexual violence, malnutrition, illness, and disability are some of the most threatening physical consequences of war, while post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety are some of the emotional effects.

How did soldiers cope with war?

Soldiers also had to cope with long stretches of anxious waiting, or even boredom, as well as responding to or participating in attacks. Soldiers could also comfort themselves with the knowledge of the inefficiency of most First World War weaponry.

What do soldiers do when there is no war?

Military operations other than war (MOOTW) focus on deterring war, resolving conflict, promoting peace, and supporting civil authorities in response to domestic crises. MOOTW not involving the use or threat of force include humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

How do wars cause change?

Effects of war also include mass destruction of cities and have long lasting effects on a country’s economy. Armed conflict has important indirect negative consequences on infrastructure, public health provision, and social order. These indirect consequences are often overlooked and unappreciated.

How is your behavior affected by the presence of others?

How is our behavior affected by the presence of others or by being part of a group? Social facilitation experiments reveal that the presence of either observers or co-actors can arouse individuals, boosting their performance on easy tasks but hindering it on difficult ones.

How does your values affect your actions?

Values influence your behavior because you use them to decide between alternatives. Values, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs are cornerstones of who we are and how we do things. They form the basis of how we see ourselves as individuals, how we see others, and how we interpret the world in general.

What is values in human behavior?

Values are socially approved desires and goals that are internalized through the process of conditioning, learning or socialization and that become subjective preferences, standards, and aspirations. They focus on the judgment of what ought to be. This judgment can represent the specific expression of the behavior.

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