What does Hamlet mean when he tells Ophelia Get thee to a nunnery?
When he states “get thee to a nunnery” to Ophelia, he is expressing pent-up anger towards his mother, who he feels has been unfaithful and incestuous when she married his uncle.
Does Hamlet become king at the end?
Hover for more information. The answer is yes, we can assume that Fortinbras becomes king at the end of the play. As to your second question, there is no evidence to support the fact that Fortinbras was attacking Denmark. The text tells us that Fortinbras had just come from battles in Poland.
Why was Hamlet not made king?
Although King Hamlet had a son, that son’s succession to the throne was not automatic. When Hamlet’s father dies, his mother, Queen Gertrude, marries Claudius, who is her dead husband’s brother. Thus, King Claudius and Queen Gertrude rule Denmark when Hamlet returns after his father’s death.
How is the ending of Hamlet ironic?
Once Hamlet takes even the slightest sip, he will die. He also tells Laertes that he will put poison on the end of Laertes’s sword so that even if he just lightly scratches Hamlet, Hamlet will die. Claudius’s second plan to put poison on the sword also creates dramatic irony and situational irony.
What is ironic about Fortinbras response to Hamlet’s death?
Fortinbras recognizes the irony of this when he comments that “it is with sorrow that I embrace my fortune.” His first act as king is to give Hamlet the funeral dignity he deserves and thus Fortinbras’s presence provides a proper sense of closure to a play that ends in so many deaths.
What are Hamlet’s last words?
Only at the last does he break off, uttering his enigmatic last words: ‘The rest is silence’. These may indicate that Hamlet sees death as offering the relief he desires or that he chooses to stop speaking in favor of contemplating his approaching death. It might be that he simply cannot speak any longer.
What is ironic about Fortinbras become king?
Fortinbras persists in his claim for a disputed patch of land held by Denmark, and without raising up arms against his foe, ends up becoming the king of the entire country. This irony is further fortified by the presence of the English ambassador who arrives in Fortinbras’ company.
Who said the rest is silence in Hamlet?
If you like puns, and Shakespeare seems to have done, there’s one here. Shortly before his dying speech, Hamlet personifies Death and refers to the act of dying as an “arrest”. So here he is saying “th'[e/a]rest [i.e. dying] is silence”.
Why is Hamlet considered a masterpiece?
Hamlet is a play of moral instruction, as Shakespeare as mastered the art of instructing the society through his works and particularly the universality of his plays. The play is regarded as one of the greatest works of William Shakespeare, perhaps due to the several political undertones of the play.
Why is to be or not to be so popular?
Why is Hamlet’s ‘To be or not to be’ speech so famous? This is partly because the opening words are so interesting, memorable and intriguing, but also because Shakespeare ranges around several cultures and practices to borrow the language for his images.