What does Hamlet say about Polonius?
As was mentioned in the previous post, Hamlet does not respect or admire Polonius throughout the play. He believes that Polonius is an old fool. In Act Two, Scene 2, Hamlet disrespects Polonius to his face by calling him a fishmonger and refuses to answer him directly throughout their conversation.
What did Hamlet do with Polonius?
Hamlet Hides the Body of Polonius They ask Hamlet to tell them where he has hidden the body but he refuses, giving them rude and cryptic, or mysterious and puzzling answers. He tells them that ”The body is with the king, but the king is not with the body.
What did Hamlet call Polonius in his conversations with him?
Hamlet reveals his resentment by choosing to call Polonius a fishmonger when he could have called him something a little less demeaning. Polonius has had his daughter show him this letter, and he has instructed her to have a contrived conversation with Hamlet to which he and Claudius will secretly listen.
What does Hamlet say when he kills Polonius?
Act 3 Scene 4
Original Text | Modern Text |
HAMLET How now, a rat? Dead for a ducat, dead! | HAMLET What’s this, a rat? I’ll bet a buck he’s a dead rat now. |
(stabs his sword through the arras and kills POLONIUS) | (he stabs his sword through the tapestry and kills POLONIUS) |
Why did Hamlet kill Polonius so easily?
Hamlet believed that Claudius was spying on him from behind the tapestry and hoped to kill his unscrupulous uncle. Overall, Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius after mistaking him for King Claudius, who he believes is spying on him from behind the tapestry in Gertrude’s chamber.
How is Hamlet guilty?
Hamlet repeatedly rebukes himself for his failure to enact quick revenge upon Claudius for his father’s murder, as the Ghost tells him to. You can find quotes showing Hamlet’s guilt in his soliloquy starting at line 515, in Act 2.2, in which he calls himself a coward and a villain.
How does Polonius die Hamlet?
Gertrude agrees, and Polonius hides behind an arras, or tapestry. Hamlet storms into the room and asks his mother why she has sent for him. He draws his sword and stabs it through the tapestry, killing the unseen Polonius.