What does hermetic mean in Greek?

What does hermetic mean in Greek?

hermetic(Adjective) Airtight or gas-tight; impervious to air or gases. Etymology: From the Greek god and mythological alchemist Hermes Trismegistus, who was said to possess a magic ability to seal (with spells) treasure chests so that nothing could access their contents.

How do you use devoid?

Devoid sentence example

  1. When he finally lifted his head and spoke to Adrienne, his voice was devoid of any emotion.
  2. Most of the time his tone was devoid of any emotion.
  3. Again the question was devoid of implication.
  4. The eyes are devoid of lids.

What does devoid mean in the Bible?

empty out

What is the opposite of devoid?

devoid. Antonyms: furnished, supplied, replete, provided, gifted. Synonyms: void, wanting, destitute, unendowed, unprovided.

What is another word for devoid?

Devoid Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for devoid?

empty vacant
barren unfilled
without contents unoccupied
uninhabited destitute
desolate drained

What is the synonym of apprehended?

SYNONYMS. arrest, catch, capture, seize. take prisoner, take into custody, detain, put in jail, throw in jail, put behind bars, imprison, incarcerate. informal collar, nab, nail, run in, bust, pick up, pull in, haul in, do, feel someone’s collar. British informal pinch, nick.

What is another word for unruffled?

Unruffled Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for unruffled?

calm cool
collected peaceful
controlled cool-headed
placid relaxed
sedate self-controlled

What is an apprehensive person?

The definition of apprehensive is a person who is upset or worried about some future event or about the possibility that something will happen. If you have a premonition that something bad is going to happen and that makes you very concerned and nervous, that is an example of being apprehensive. adjective.

How do you express fear in words?

Here are 20 ways of expressing fear:

  1. afraid of your own shadow – nervous/timid/easily frightened.
  2. shaking like a leaf – to tremble with fear.
  3. quaking in your boots – trembling with fear.
  4. heebie jeebies – a state of fear/discomfort/nervousness.
  5. scared out of one’s wits – extremely frightened.

How do you create a fear of someone?

Here are sure-fire ways we (inadvertently) instill fear of ourselves in others:

  1. Shut down all communication if somebody says something “wrong.” The effect is even more powerful if you grit your teeth.
  2. Interrogate the other.
  3. Accuse, criticize, and insinuate.
  4. Blame others.
  5. Complain.

What’s a fancy word for scary?

terrifying, horrifying, terrible, frightful, appalling, horrific, frightened, horrible, fearsome, dreadful, alarming, awful, spooky, shocking, startling, distressing, intimidating, hairy, daunting, fearful, disturbing, worrisome, horrendous, nerve-racking, staggering, disquieting, gruesome, troubling, grim, hideous.

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