What does it look like when a fish gives birth?

What does it look like when a fish gives birth?

Look for the gravid spot on the fish’s abdomen near the rear tail. The spot should appear large and dark when her eggs are fertilized. You will know your fish is close to giving birth when the spot becomes nearly black. Some fish may show white spots instead of black.

What is the most aggressive freshwater fish?

10 Most Aggressive Freshwater Aquarium Fish

  1. Piranha. Piranha.
  2. Arowana (Silver & Asian) Arowana (source)
  3. African Cichlids. African Cichlids.
  4. Oscar Fish. Oscar Fish.
  5. Pig Nose Puffer Fish (Pao Suvattii)
  6. Rainbow Shark. Rainbow Shark (source – CC BY-SA 4.0)
  7. Red Tailed Shark. Red Tailed Shark.
  8. Flowerhorn.

Will my fish stop fighting?

Given one or two short conflicts most fish will stop fighting as they know who is stronger and see no reason to fight. For those lucky enough to see the first fight try watching your fish a second time before taking drastic action.

Do fish get aggressive when hungry?

Some fish might harass or attack other fish if they are hungry, but this is hard to judge as there can be many reasons for aggression.

How long does it take for fish to get used to each other?

Although fish also need to be acclimatised if they’re being transferred from one fish tank to another in your home. The process doesn’t take long, and your fish can usually be introduced safely within the space of an hour, but it may take a few weeks for your fish to properly adjust to their new surroundings.

How long should you let your tank run before adding fish?

Even with these tricks to speed it up, you should give your tank at least 24 hours to start building up bacteria before adding fish.

How long does it take fish to adjust to new water?

Most people will tell you that it takes about 15 minutes for fish to acclimate to an aquarium. While this is partially true, it takes at least an hour for a new fish to adjust entirely to a new environment. Float the bag in the aquarium until the water reaches the same temperature as that in the aquarium.

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