What does it mean to be matchless?

What does it mean to be matchless?

: having no equal : peerless a matchless view of the valley.

How do you use matchless in a sentence?

Matchless sentence example

  1. “A matchless people!” he repeated with a sigh.
  2. The tints and hues of some of the pools are of matchless beauty.

What is the meaning of matchless love?

“MATCHLESS LOVE” “…Power to become the sons of God…” (Jn. 1:12) INTRO.: A song which reminds us that it is because of God’s love for us that we have the power to be saved and to become His children is “Matchless Love” (#690 in Hymns for Worship Revised and #269 in Sacred Selections for the Church).

What does it mean beyond compare?

: better or greater than any other : having no equal The singer’s voice is beyond compare. beauty beyond compare.

What does muggy weather mean?

: being very warm and humid muggy weather.

Does muggy mean hot?

The definition of muggy is hot, humid, sticky weather. A 90 degree day with 90 percent humidity is an example of a muggy day. Warm and extremely humid. Hot and damp, with little or no stirring of the air.

What does muggy mean in British slang?

Muggy – 5% understand it Dictionary definition: (of the atmosphere, weather, etc.) oppressively humid; damp and close. Love Island definition: Someone who’s playing you, or taking you for a fool/mug. Example: “Muggy Mike just stole the girl I’m seeing”.

Where did muggy come from?

As far as its origin, it is thought to have come from the old Norse words mugen or mugga, which mean drizzle or mist, tying the term to humid conditions. Some other words used to describe this kind of condition include sticky, sultry, close and oppressive.

What is a melt UK slang?

On Love Island if someone describes you as a melt, it’s usually because they think you’re being over-the-top or pathetic. The word melt originates from the Greek ‘meldein’, meaning to liquefy or dissolve. Example sentence: ‘Kem is an absolute melt’ 2. Pied.

What does cheeky mean UK?

English Language Learners Definition of cheeky chiefly British, informal : rude and showing a lack of respect often in a way that seems playful or amusing.

What is a moggy in British slang?

moggy in British English (ˈmɒɡɪ ) or moggie. nounWord forms: plural moggies. British a slang name for cat1 (sense 1). Sometimes shortened to: mog.

What is the British word for cat?


Why do English people call cats Moggies?

Origin of moggy Original sense, early 19th century, is a term of affection for a calf or cow, which may have been transfered to cats under urbanization. Alternatively, in Wigan, moggy traditionally applied to mice, not cats, and a cat was hence a moggy catcher, which may have been abbreviated to moggy.

What is a cat in slang?

Cats means “cool cats”. The slang term “Cats” can be used to identify a group of people, whether they’re cool or not. The terms “Cat” or “Cats” has been used by The Notorious B.I.G, Eminem, Jay-Z, J. Ivy, Ab-Soul, Logic, Joey Badass, Busta Rhymes, DMX, and many more rappers.

What do u call a girl cat?

Female Cats Summary To summarize; all female cats can be called molly and this is the female equivalent to a tomcat. If the cat is pregnant or has kittens then she can be called a queen. Dam is an older term that is used for purebred females in the context of breeding records only.

What is a Felinophile?

felinophile A fondness or love of cats.

What does it mean to call a woman a cat?

1 : the act of shouting harassing and often sexually suggestive, threatening, or derisive comments at someone publicly Though I seldom witness catcalling or verbal harassment, I’ve come to understand how constant and burdensome it can be for women, especially when the words used are crude, violent, or degrading.—

Is Catcalling a compliment?

While some interpret catcalls as flattering, and while on the surface these speech acts may indeed appear as compliments, many recipients see them as an invasion of privacy or as a type of sexual harassment.

Is cat calling rude?

Catcalling is usually defined as a rude, derogatory or unwelcome comment, whistle, kissing sound– or maybe even a literal meow. But it’s more than these passing jeers. Catcalling, also known as street harassment, limits folks’ access to public space and often has a serious impact.

Can a man be Catcalled?

Originally Answered: Do men ever get catcalled? Yes, but it happens less often to men than to women.

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