What does it mean to have knowledge of something?

What does it mean to have knowledge of something?

1a(1) : the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association. (2) : acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique. b(1) : the fact or condition of being aware of something.

Which word means knowledge of something?


What do you call someone who knows alot about something?

English Language Learners Definition of connoisseur : a person who knows a lot about something (such as art, wine, food, etc.) : an expert in a particular subject.

How do you describe someone who is knowledgeable?

Find another word for knowledgeable. In this page you can discover 66 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for knowledgeable, like: erudite, au fait (French), well-versed, smart, up-on, cognizant, acquainted, learned, proficient, ability and educated.

How do you identify a wise person?

Characteristics of a Wise Person

  1. They Educate Themselves. Educate yourself.
  2. They Are Disciplined. Wise people exercise self-control.
  3. They Admit Their Mistakes and Learn From Them.
  4. They Are Patient.
  5. They Take Instruction Humbly.
  6. They Can Handle Rejection and Failure.
  7. They Know That They Can Only Control Themselves.
  8. They Are Guided by Wisdom.

What are some synonyms for knowledge?


  • apperceive.
  • appreciate.
  • apprehend.
  • be acquainted.
  • be cognizant.
  • be conversant in.
  • be informed.
  • be learned.

How do you say a lot of knowledge?

I usually say “extensive knowledge” about something, but you could also say “comprehensive” knowledge or experience, or perhaps “considerable” experience or knowledge.

What is a antonym for knowledge?

cognizance, knowingness, awareness, learning, kenEnglish. Antonyms: ignorance. knowledge(noun) Information or intelligence about something; notice.

What is the root word for knowledge?

Knowledge comes from the Greek word, Gnosis, signifying knowing through observation or experience.

How do you describe knowledge and skills?

Knowledge is information acquired through sensory input: Reading, watching, listening, touching, etc. The concept of knowledge refers to familiarity with factual information and theoretical concepts. Skills, however, refer to the ability to apply knowledge to specific situations.

How do you use knowledge in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] Tom needs to gain more knowledge. (
  2. [S] [T] He has a good knowledge of French. (
  3. [S] [T] It’s my belief that knowledge is power. (
  4. [S] [T] I didn’t know that was public knowledge. (
  5. [S] [T] My uncle has a good knowledge of French. (
  6. [S] [T] To the best of my knowledge, Tom can’t swim. (

How important is the knowledge in composing sentence?

“We study grammar because a knowledge of sentence structure is an aid in the interpretation of literature; because continual dealing with sentences influences the student to form better sentences in his own composition; and because grammar is the best subject in our course of study for the development of reasoning …

How do we apply knowledge in life?

6 Tips to Help You Apply What You’ve Learned

  1. Recognize the payoff in doing what you usually do.
  2. Acknowledge what you lose by doing what you always do.
  3. Take every opportunity to practice, and take the pressure off.
  4. Change your inner monologue.
  5. Understand your triggers.
  6. Track your progress.

Why is knowledge important in life?

Knowledge sharpens our skills like reasoning and problem-solving. A strong base of knowledge helps brains function more smoothly and effectively. We become smarter with the power of knowledge and solve problems more easily. * Everyday Life- Knowledge is important and useful in day to day events.

Why is it important to apply knowledge?

Knowledge empowers people and the successful application of knowledge brings wisdom. Knowledge without its application is useless. It is important that we make impactful use of what we learn and the knowledge that we have acquired. Learning and knowledge shape our minds and make us become better users of opportunities.

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