What does it mean to override a method Why should the toString method be overridden for user defined classes?
Override the toString() method in a Java Class A string representation of an object can be obtained using the toString() method in Java. This method is overridden so that the object values can be returned.
Why we need to override toString and equals method in java?
All classes in Java inherit from the Object class, directly or indirectly (See point 1 of this). The Object class has some basic methods like clone(), toString(), equals(),.. etc. We can override the equals method in our class to check whether two objects have same data or not.
Why do we need to override toString in C#?
When you create a custom class or struct, you should override the ToString method in order to provide information about your type to client code. Implement the method so that it returns a string. The following example returns the name of the class in addition to the data specific to a particular instance of the class.
Why do we override toString method in pojo?
4 Answers. From my experience I prefer to add a toString() method in all POJO classes because it helps if you want to print the current state of an instance, using a logging framework or not. The default toString() method outputs a string formed from: getClass().
What will happen if you will not override toString method?
So, whenever you use or print a reference variable of type in which toString() method is not overrided, you will get an output like above. You will not get what the object actually has in it. There will be no information about state or properties of an object.
Can an overriding toString method be overloaded?
No, you can’t have two methods with the same name and signature. A “signature” in this case means the number of arguments and their types. Changing this won’t allow you to override toString() twice, it’ll just make one a normal method.
Can you overload toString?
No, you can’t have two methods with the same name and signature. Changing this won’t allow you to override toString() twice, it’ll just make one a normal method.
Why do we use toString?
What is the purpose of toString() method in Java? If we want to represent an object of a class as a String, then we can use the toString() method which returns a textual representation of the object. When you print an object, by default the Java compiler invokes the toString() method on the object.
Can we override toString method in Java?
We can override toString() method in our class to print proper output. For example, in the following code toString() is overridden to print “Real + i Imag” form. In general, it is a good idea to override toString() as we get get proper output when an object is used in print() or println().
Can we compare two strings using == in Java?
In String, the == operator is used to comparing the reference of the given strings, depending on if they are referring to the same objects. When you compare two strings using == operator, it will return true if the string variables are pointing toward the same java object. Otherwise, it will return false .
What does \\ s+ mean in Java?
\\s+ – matches sequence of one or more whitespace characters.
What does B mean in Java?
It means a byte array. In the Java descriptor syntax, a [ at the beginning means an array. There’s a one letter code for each primitive type – B = Byte, C = Char, S = Short, Z = Boolean, I = Int, J = Long, F = Float, and D = Double.
Can you use += in Java?
Let’s understand the += operator in Java and learn to use it for our day to day programming. x += y in Java is the same as x = x + y. It is a compound assignment operator. Most commonly used for incrementing the value of a variable since x++ only increments the value by one.
What is Y in Java?
x % y. Computes the remainder of dividing x by y. In Java, you need to be aware of the type of the result of a binary (two-argument) arithmetic operator. If either operand is of type double , the other is converted to double .