
What does it mean when a topic is narrow?

What does it mean when a topic is narrow?

A topic is too narrow if you can’t find any information about it. Though student writers most often face the challenge of limiting a topic that is too broad, they occasionally have to recognize that they have chosen a topic that is too narrow or that they have narrowed a workable topic too much.

Why do doctors prefer narrow spectrum antibiotics?

Narrow Spectrum Antibiotic Kills Pathogens Without Killing Good Bacteria.

What is an example of narrow spectrum antibiotic?

Narrow-spectrum antibiotics are active against a select group of bacterial types. Examples of narrow-spectrum antibiotics are the older penicillins (penG), the macrolides and vancomycin.

What is the most broad-spectrum antibiotic?

Ciprofloxacin. Best use of this new broad-spectrum antibiotic.

What is the strongest antibiotic on the market?

The world’s last line of defense against disease-causing bacteria just got a new warrior: vancomycin 3.0. Its predecessor—vancomycin 1.0—has been used since 1958 to combat dangerous infections like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Which is not a broad spectrum antibiotic?

Penicillin is not a broad spectrum antibiotic since it is active against infections caused by gram positive bacteria only.

Is penicillin broad or narrow spectrum?

In all of our analyses, we examine the use of narrow-spectrum antibiotics as well as broad-spectrum antibiotics, which have greater implications for the spread of antibiotic-resistant infections….Table 1.

Type of Antibiotic Penicillin
Any Antibiotic 16.9 (0.3)
Spectrum Broad 2.7 (0.1)
Narrow 15.1 (0.3)

Is streptomycin broad or narrow spectrum?

Streptomycin is a broad spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic typically used for treatment of active tuberculosis, always in combination with other antituberculosis agents.

Can I eat eggs while taking ciprofloxacin?

Considering that no MRL have been established for ciprofloxacin in eggs and its effect on biomolecules, we recommend egg withdrawal times of fifteen days after 5-days administration of Ciprofloxacin in legislation the whole egg is considered and not separately the egg yolk and the egg white.

What should I avoid while taking ciprofloxacin?

Do not take ciprofloxacin with dairy products such as milk or yogurt, or with calcium-fortified juice. You may eat or drink these products with your meals, but do not use them alone when taking ciprofloxacin. Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, which may be a sign of a new infection.

What bacteria does cipro kill?

Ciprofloxacin is effective against a large number of bacteria, some of which tend to be resistant to other commonly used antibiotics. It’s particularly useful against a sub-group of bacteria called Gram-negative bacteria, including salmonella, shigella, campylobacter, neisseria, and pseudomonas.

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