What does it mean when you smell antifreeze through your vents?

What does it mean when you smell antifreeze through your vents?

There are several signs of a leaky heater core: First you may notice a sweet smell from your vents. Coolant/antifreeze leaking out through the heater core means that the overall coolant level in the system will be low and the engine is in danger of overheating – which is the most common cause of mechanical breakdown.

Why do I smell antifreeze when my AC is on?

As coolant drips out, it could hit a hot part of your engine, begin to evaporate, and create a pungent odor that you’ll be able to detect. The heater core of your vehicle contains an antifreeze and water mixture, and it uses this mixture to regulate the temperature of the air inside your car.

How do you get the smell of antifreeze out of your vents?

Spray some Lysol in the fresh air intake vent on the wiper cowl with the fan on low speed. Repeat as necessary until the smell goes away. well an antifreeze smell would indicate your heater core might be on it’s way out….

How do I stop my heater core from leaking?

Fixing a leaking heater core will always be much easier than replacing one. Since it is only a small leak in the heater core, we recommend simply sealing that leak and leaving your heater core in place. You can do this by simply by adding BlueDevil Pour-N-Go to your vehicle’s radiator when your vehicle is cold.

Does heater core Stop Leak really work?

Our Bar’s Leaks Liquid Aluminum Heater Core Stop Leak is a one-of-a-kind solution that is guaranteed to safely and easily seal leaks in plastic, aluminum and metal radiators, heater cores, gaskets and freeze plugs. These types of stop leaks work in theory but, in the long run, do more harm than good.

How do I find a leak in my heater core?

Start your engine, allow it to warm up for a minute and turn the heater lever to full blast. If the system is ok, you should feel a blast of cool air. Now, turn the heater lever to full heat. If you feel warm or hot air flowing into the cabin, your heater core has no leaks.

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