What does Jack exchange for the magic beans in Jack and the Beanstalk?
On the way, Jack meets a bean dealer who offers magic beans in exchange for the cow, and Jack makes the trade. When he arrives home, without any money, his mother becomes angry and disenchanted, throws the beans on the ground, and sends Jack to bed without dinner.
Why did Jack trade the cow for the beans?
Jack was on his way to market to sell the cow when he came across a peddler. “Hi, Mr. Sold!” said Jack, and he traded the cow for three magic beans. Jack got home and told his mama he had sold the cow so he wouldn’t have to milk her anymore.
What did Jack get in return for the cow?
Jack went to the market and on the way he met a man who wanted to buy his cow. Jack asked, “What will you give me in return for my cow?” The man answered, “I will give you five magic beans!” Jack took the magic beans and gave the man the cow.
Who did Jack meet on the way to the market?
One day, Jack’s mother asked him to take the cow to market to sell. On the way, Jack met a man, who gave him some magic beans in return for the cow. When Jack came home with the beans his mother was angry. She threw the beans out of the window and sent him to bed.
What did Jack find at the top of the beanstalk?
I’ll grind his bones to make my bread. Outwitting the giant, Jack is able to retrieve many goods once stolen from his family, including a bag of gold, an enchanted goose that lays golden eggs and a magic golden harp that plays and sings by itself. Jack then escapes by chopping down the beanstalk.
What does Jack steal from the giant at the top of the beanstalk?
‘ Jack steals a sack of gold from the giant’s castle before swiftly making his escape back down the beanstalk. However, this is a fairy tale, which wouldn’t be complete without obeying the ‘rule of three’. So, Jack duly climbs the beanstalk twice more and steals from the giant twice more.