What does Juana try to do with the pearl Why How does Kino respond?

What does Juana try to do with the pearl Why How does Kino respond?

What does Kino do? Juana went to the fireplace to retrieve the pearl and ran to the shore to throw the pearl back into the water. She does this as she believes that the pearl is evil and will damage their lives. In response to this, Kino grabs the pearl from Juana and punches her.

What page did Juana try to throw the pearl in the ocean?

Chapter 5

How does Kino respond to Juana’s actions?

How does Kino respond to Juana’s actions? How has the pearl changed him? Juana leaves secretly and tries to throw the pearl into the sea. Kino is furious and punches her in the face, knocking her to the ground and kicking her in the side.

Why did Kino hiss at Juana?

Expert Answers Kino, consumed by rage, has just struck and kicked Juana, and as she lies on the sand, he makes a threatening noise at her that is like the “hissing” of a snake. He is actually like a snake at this moment, deadly. Juana, on her part, does not fight back.

Why does Juana follow Kino on his path of life even if she disagrees with some of his choices?

Why does Juana follow on his path of life even if she disagrees with some of his choices? She thinks that she can calm his madness down and she also wants to respect and support his decisions. Kino has allowed the Pearl to take over his life at the expense of everything else in his life.

Why does Juana reject Kino’s plan?

Why does Juana reject Kino’s plan to separate? She does not want to split up. The family is becoming more equal. Everyone is important not just one person.

How do Kino and Juana earn a living?

He slams his fist into the heavy gate of the doctor’s home, splitting his knuckles. How do Kino and Juana earn a living? Kino is a pearl diver. He dives for pearls, as his father and grandfather before him did.

What unusual person does Juana ask for?

the docter

What did each person think of when he heard it?

Terms in this set (5) What did each person think of when he heard it? Each person thought of of their own doings with the pearl and did not think of others.

How are the pearl buyers unfair to Kino?

Terms in this set (4) In the description of the pearl buyers, what do we find out about the market in kino’s village? that all of the pearl buyers work for one man and that they are unfair about the price that the offer to the sellers.

What does Kino plan to do now that he is a rich man?

When Juan Tomás asks Kino what he will do with his wealth, Kino details his plans: a proper marriage in the church, new clothing for the family, a harpoon, and a rifle, among other things. Kino’s new boldness amazes Juana, especially when he expresses his desire for Coyotito to be sent to school and educated.

Why does Kino want Coyotito education?

Why does Kino want Coyotito to go to school? What does the priest want from Kino? The doctor tricks Kino and Juana into thinking that the baby isn’t well. He suggests that Coyotito could becomes deformed or go blind from the scorpion.

What will you do now that you have become a rich man the pearl?

And Juan Tomás, who squatted on Kino’s right hand because he was his brother, asked, “What will you do now that you have become a rich man?” Wanting to help his brother, Juan Tomás speaks these words after the dealers refuse to give Kino a fair price for his pearl.

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