What does Lennie bring back when he went to get wood?

What does Lennie bring back when he went to get wood?

You go get wood. An’ don’t you fool around. It’ll be dark before long.” Lennie crashes off through the brush, splashes around in the water, and comes back with only one small twig in one hand.

What does Lennie get instead of firewood?

Tired of constantly reminding Lennie of things he should remember, George gets quickly angry when Lennie forgets to get the firewood, for example, and instead goes after the dead mouse.

What does Lennie take out of his pocket?

What does Lennie take out of his pocket that gets him yelled at by George? A dead mouse.

What did Lennie do with this item?

What did lennie want to do with this item? he wanted to keep it and pet it while they walked. Where are George and Lennie going? They are going to the ranch for a new job.

Where does George tell Lennie to go if he gets in trouble again?

George tells Lennie to come and hide in the bushes near where they are camping in Chapter 1. He will come and find Lennie there and tell him what to do next. “Look, Lennie–if you jus’ happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here and hide in the brush.”

What instructions does George give Lennie right before they go to sleep?

What instructions does George give Lennie right before they go to sleep by the river in chapter 1? To keep his mouth shut during their interview with the ranch boss and let George do all of the talking.

What does the boss suspect of George and Lennie what makes him so suspicious?

George speaks for Lennie, making the Boss suspicious. George lies, telling him that Lennie is his cousin and he looks after him because he was kicked in the head by a horse as a child. Although still mistrustful, the Boss tells George and Lennie that they will be working on Slim’s grain team.

What does George say is wrong with Lennie?

George lies and tells the boss that Lennie is his cousin, and that they left the job in Weed because it was done. George tells the boss that Lennie is not smart, but does not tell him he’s mentally challenged. When the men arrive at the ranch, they are already in trouble because they were late.

Is Lennie allowed to talk to the boss?

George does not want Lennie to talk when they meet the boss because Lennie may say something that may cause them not to get the job. While they are in the clearing the night before they go to the ranch and their new job, George instructs Lennie to keep quiet when they meet the boss.

Why does George urge Lennie to remain quiet when they meet the boss at the ranch?

Why does George urge Lennie to remain quiet when they meet the boss at the ranch where they’ll be working? George urges Lennie to remain quiet when they meet their new boss because he doesn’t want Lennie to sound mentally retarded in front of the boss.

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