What does Manley steal from Hulga?

What does Manley steal from Hulga?

Hulga fantasizes about seducing him, but in the end, Manley is the one who seduces her. He leads her into a barn loft, steals her prosthetic leg, and abandons her.

What does Manley Pointer have in his valise?

Also when Pointer opens his valise and the reader finds that he has a hollow bible with a flask of whisky, some contraceptives, and obscene playing cards inside it the reader becomes aware that it mirrors Pointer’s religious condition (lack of faith, hollow).

What is the symbolic meaning of joy Hulga’s wooden leg How does her own view of it differ from the reader’s as the story proceeds?

She gets a preverse sense of pleasure and pride from being as unattractive as possible, so her wooden leg just adds to her self image of being ugly. “Joy/Hulga Hopewell gave herself the name Hulga because it was the ugliest she could think of, signifying her disdain for everything her mother’s life represents to her.

What does Hulga’s wooden leg symbolize?

As something manufactured and wooden, the artificial leg also represents Hulga’s creation of a version of herself that is wooden or emotionless. Her rejection of religion, of others, and ultimately of her true self is embodied in the wooden leg, which becomes a kind of crutch for her unhappiness.

What does Hulga’s leg symbolize in good country people?

The leg has come to represent her soul: it is what makes her unique, and it is what makes her vulnerable. We can regard this “wooden part of her soul” as the part of Hulga that depends on philosophy and cynicism.

What does Hulga mean?

Hulga – Detailed Meaning. The name of Hulga indicates you are a patient, meticulous person who enjoys working in a detailed, systematic way such as with mathematics, science, mechanics, computers, or engineering.

What does the Bible salesman require Hulga to say before he will continue kissing her?

What does the Bible salesman require Hulga to say before he will continue kissing her? She really does love him.

Why is Mrs Hopewell’s daughter called Hulga?

Hopewell’s daughter, Joy, is thirty-two years old and lost her leg in a childhood shooting accident. Joy is an atheist and has a Ph. D. in philosophy but seems non-sensible to her mother, and in an act of rebellion against her mother, Joy changed her name to “Hulga,” the ugliest name Mrs.

What does Mrs Freeman add to the story?

Mrs. Freeman frames the story because she has more insight into human nature than either Mrs. Hopewell or Hulga. In a sense, she stands outside them, framing them, because she can understand more than they can.

Why does Mrs Hopewell invite Manley pointer to dinner?

Mrs. Hopewell invites Manley to stay for dinner with them after discovering that the nineteen-year-old Bible salesman has a heart condition similar to Hulga’s.

What are the names of Mrs Freeman’s two daughters?

Freeman’s two daughters, Glynese and Carramae, who are eighteen and fifteen years old; Carramae, the fifteen year old, is “married and pregnant” (2).

How did Joy lose her leg?

Joy has a grumpy attitude, but Mrs. Hopewell lets her get by with it because she has a wooden leg. When she was ten, her leg was “shot off in a hunting accident” (13), which sounds like a major bummer to us. Joy legally changed her name to Hulga when she was twenty-one, but Mrs.

What does Manley continually Press joy to say?

What does Manley continually press Joy to say? “I love you.” “I need Jesus.” “I will go to bed with you.” “I will run away with you.”

What does Hulga realize fascinates Mrs Freeman about herself?

“Something about her [Hulga] seemed to fascinate Mrs. Freeman and then one day Hulga realized that it was the artificial leg” (O’Connor 419). Rather, her comments center on how ill the girl is: “she thrown up four times after supper… and was up twict in the night after three o’clock”(O’Connor 420).

Why does Mrs Hopewell tolerate Mrs Freeman?

Why does Mrs. Hopewell tolerate Mrs. Freeman? Because she is a good country people.

What is Mrs Hopewell and Mrs Freeman doing at the end of the story when they see Manley?

In the second-to-last paragraph, Mrs. Hopewell sees Manley in the distance and assumes he’s been selling Bibles to black people who live in woods nearby. This kind of completes the persistent idea of blindness running through the story—Mrs.

What does Manley Pointer mean?

Good Country People: Manley Pointer; A Symbol of the Devil.

What did Manley have in his Bible?

After she succumbs on both counts, Manley opens his Bible to reveal its true contents: booze, cards, and condoms. Hulga is not impressed and insists on having her leg back. Manley soon exits the barn loft, taking his stuff, and Hulga’s leg and glasses with him.

How does Harvey Hill cure Glynese’s sty According to Mrs Freeman?

Harvey Hill He is studying to be a chiropractor, and apparently he cured Glynese’s sty by having her lie down on the seat of the car and “pop[ping] her neck” (55). Harvey sounds like he could be a pretty fun character, but he doesn’t get a walk on role in this story.

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