What does Marta look like in Esperanza Rising?

What does Marta look like in Esperanza Rising?

Marta is close in age to Miguel, who is sixteen. ”Her hair was short, black, and curly and her features were sharp and pointed. ” Marta is very close with her mother and wants to protect her from the discrimination going on around them.

Who is Marta in the book Esperanza Rising?

Marta – Marta is a girl who is not very nice to Esperanza when they first meet. Marta pushes everyone to strike because she believes they are being treated unfairly. When there is a sweep of the camps, Esperanza helps Marta escape.

What does Marta say to Esperanza?

And Marta finally comes to have some respect for Esperanza, too. “Gracias,” she tells Esperanza. “I’m sorry I misjudged you” (12.57).

Why does Esperanza not like Marta?

Marta is unfriendly to Esperanza because she thinks all rich people are bad. Esperanza is not rich any more, but Marta sees her as an enemy because she used to be rich. Marta’s remarks show that some of the workers are not happy about their lives.

What is Chapter 11 in Esperanza Rising?

Chapter 11: Las Espárragos (Asparagus) One day, Josefina pulls asparagus from a crate to find a rat, and later, a woman sees snakes coming out of another crate. Other workers find razor blades and pieces of glass in packing crates. One day, Esperanza notices that the shouting has stopped.

Why is Marta not allowed to stay with her aunt and uncle?

Why is Marta not allowed to stay with her aunt and uncle? Marta is not allowed to stay because her aunt & uncle cannot risk losing their jobs because of her. Marta is not allowed to stay because her aunt & uncle because she is very lazy and they need someone who will take care of things around the house.

What do the grapes symbolize in Esperanza Rising?

The grapes symbolize that Esperanza cuts the first grapes of the harvest at El Rancho de las Rosas. The grapes also symbolize Esperanza’s anguish at the death of her Papa.

What page is the river metaphor in Esperanza Rising?

Pages 17–18 from “Several years ago, when Esperanza …” to “… never told Miguel about the river.” “But now that she was a young woman, she understood that Miguel was the housekeeper’s son and she was the ranch owner’s daughter and between them ran a deep river.

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