What does Miko mean in Choctaw?

What does Miko mean in Choctaw?

Definition. miko. Term. queen, leader, moderator.

How do you say warrior in Choctaw?

Tuskahoma is a small town whose name comes from the com- pounding of the Choctaw words “tvshka” meaning “warrior” and “humma” meaning “red.” Its name literally means “red warrior.” The town site has moved several times.

How do you say Choctaw Choctaw?

I am Choctaw. Chahta chia You are Choctaw. Chahta hupia.

What are some Choctaw names?

Native American Names, Round 2 — Choctaw traditions

  • By Angel Thomas, aka Dantea.
  • Atepa — ah-TEE-pah — wigwam.
  • Coahoma — COH-ah-HOH-mah — red panther.
  • Kinta — KIN-tah — deer.
  • Opa — OH-pah — owl.
  • Panola — pah-NOH-lah — cotton.
  • Poloma — poh-LOH-mah — bow.
  • Talulah — tah-LOO-lah — leaping water.

What is the Choctaw word for cat?

List of Choctaw Words

English Choctaw
cat kãte
Coon sha’we
corn tonche
cow wak

How do you say good in Choctaw?

Yvmmvt achukma! That’s good! Ohoyo achukma chia. You are a good woman.

How do you say happy in Choctaw?

Please click on the link to hear the pronunciation. Vlla nakni yvt na yukpa. The boy is happy.

What does Achi mean in Choctaw?

achi (ah-che) = to say. ish (esh) = you.

How do you say thank you in Choctaw?

Thank you. Yokoke. Yoh-koh-keh.

How do you say ghost in Choctaw?

shilup shi ♦ lup ghost.

What is the Choctaw word for hunter?

owvtta –

What is the Choctaw word for wolf?

nashoba – wolf – School of Choctaw Language.

How do you say Rose in Choctaw?

Neakita is my mother’s name. It is the Choctaw Indian word for a type of wild rose.

How do you say Mom in Choctaw?

How many ways do you know how to say mother?…Choctaw, Oklahoma.

Mother ishki
Grandmother ippokni
Granddaughter ipok tek

What does Chi Hullo Li mean in Choctaw?

It states:”CHI HULLO LI NA BILLIA CHIH” in Choctaw which translated means: I will love you forever.

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