What does Milo consider to be the greatest waste of time of all?

What does Milo consider to be the greatest waste of time of all?

He is bored senseless by practically everything in his life and is constantly trying to find something exciting or interesting. Milo especially dislikes his schoolwork because he cannot understand the use behind learning geography or math and thinks that learning is “the greatest waste of time of all.”

What lesson does Milo learn from the Which?

What did Milo learn from Rhyme and Reason? He learns that you can’t rush things and you must take your time because what you want and know will happen will happen soon enough.

What was Milo not sure about?

However, he sat in his toy car, approached the booth, paid the toll with the coins, and drove past the toll booth. But when. he looked back, Oh wonder of wonders, the toll booth had disappeared along with Milo’s room.

What is the serious problem that the king won’t tell Milo about until he returns from the journey?

A huge celebration ensues and all of the people Milo met during his journey through the Lands Beyond show up to congratulate him for finding Rhyme and Reason. King Azaz finally tells Milo the “secret” he warned him about back in Dictionopolis: the mission to save Rhyme and Reason was actually impossible.

What is the biggest number the Mathemagician has?

number 3

What happened when Milo let out the word but?

He tries to reason with the Soundkeeper about the silence in the valley, but she will not hear of it. At one point Milo tries to retort with “But!” and catches himself short, feeling the word form on his tongue and stay there. He quickly, and silently, makes for the door, smuggling his sound out with him.

What gift does Dischord give Milo?


What does Milo learn from Dr Dischord?

The doctor tells Milo that he only treats illnesses that don’t exist because if he cannot cure them there was no harm done. This was one of the precautions of the trade.

What did Milo find out about the longest and smallest number in the world?

The Mathemagician tells Milo to follow the line for ever and turn left when he reached the end. There, he would find the land of Infinity, where the tallest, the shortest, the biggest, the smallest and the most and the least of everything are kept.

What is the greatest number Milo can think of?

Finding Infinity First, the Mathemagician asks Milo the greatest number he can think of, and Milo says ”nine trillion, nine hundred ninety-nine billion, nine hundred ninety-nine million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine.

Who does the Mathemagician blame for his problems?

The Mathemagician blames his brother, King Azaz, for this. He tells Milo about how hard it is for the two brothers to communicate.

What does King Azaz give Milo?

Helping the Cause Like the Mathemagician, King Azaz lets Milo go on a quest he knows is “impossible” (19.53), but he doesn’t send Milo away empty-handed. Instead, he gives Milo a treasured box of “all the words [he] know[s]” (8.64).

Why did Milo rescue Rhyme and Reason?

Rhyme and Reason are the two beautiful princesses who have been exiled from the Kingdom of Wisdom and need to be rescued. Basically, they give Milo a reason to go on his quest. When Rhyme and Reason are gone, so is rational thinking (hence their names..

What did Milo learn from Faintly Macabre?

Because of Faintly, Milo learns what’s wrong with Wisdom and discovers the missing persons case of Rhyme and Reason. Because of her, Milo gets a purpose, or a reason for being in the Lands Beyond.

Why does King Azaz agree to Milos rescue attempt?

Why does King Azaz agree to Milo’s rescue attempt? because it is easier to make decisions with them there.

Why did King Azaz get so angry at Milo for saying he can count to one thousand?

When Milo offers to count to one thousand, King Azaz gets irritated and warns him never to mention numbers in Dictionopolis, because people there use them only when they absolutely have to. When he is reminded to choose the menu, Milo remembers that his mother always told him to eat lightly when he was a guest.

Why is King Azaz sad after the banquet is over?

Both times he orders the guests aren’t pleased and after all the guests leave after dessert, King Azaz is sad because his guests have left to get something to eat. Finally Milo, Tock, and Humbug leave to get Rhyme and Reason to return so that things will make sense again.

What did the Dynne do once a day?

What did the DYNNE do once a day? Wrote down the notes of every new song.

What did the soundkeeper feel about silence?

The Soundkeeper is a sad character, described as worried and disconsolate, which means that she can’t be consoled, or comforted. She’s upset that her people were ignoring sounds and didn’t appreciate silence.

What word does Milo trap in his mouth before leaving the soundkeeper fortress?

He stopped speaking quite abruptly and the sound of the word ‘but’ remained trapped in his mouth. Milo realized that he had found a way to carry sound out of the fortress. When the Soundkeeper tells him that he must be going on his way, Milo simply nodded in farewell and raced out of the fortress.

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