What does occupational therapy mean to you personally?

What does occupational therapy mean to you personally?

Occupational therapy treats the whole person and engages him or her in work, self-care, and play so that the deficit or disability can be at the best level possible.

What can occupational therapy do for you?

Occupational therapy (OT) is a branch of health care that helps people of all ages who have physical, sensory, or cognitive problems. OT can help them regain independence in all areas of their lives. Occupational therapists help with barriers that affect a person’s emotional, social, and physical needs.

What is the meaning of Occupational?

1 : of or relating to a job or occupation occupational choices occupational training/skills occupational safety Physiatrists commonly treat back and neck pain and other musculoskeletal problems, including sports injuries and occupational problems like repetitive stress injury.β€”

What should I put as my occupation?

Common entries are: Student, Laborer, Factory Work, Owner-Operator, Self Employed, Homemaker, Unemployed, Retired, etc. What you enter as your occupation will not affect the calculations in your return in any way.

What are types of occupation?

Careers and Occupations

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. Architecture and Construction.
  • Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications.
  • Education and Training.
  • Government and Public Administration.
  • Hospitality and Tourism.
  • Information Technology.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Which is the main occupation?


What is your occupation?

Your occupation is your job or profession. I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure. Occupation: administrative assistant. Synonyms: job, work, calling, business More Synonyms of occupation.

What is occupation explain with example?

Occupation is your job or the way you spend your time or one country maintaining a military presence in another. An example of occupation is when you are a doctor or a lawyer. An example of occupation is when the United States maintains military troops in Iraq to keep control and order. noun.

Why do we need an occupation?

Occupation provides the mechanism for social interaction, and societal development and growth, forming the foundation stone of communal, local and national identity, because not only do individuals engage in separate pursuits, they are able to plan and execute group activity to the extent of national government or to …

What should I answer for occupation?

If you have an occupation – it refers to the ‘field’ or ‘type’ of work you perform. People will normally ask, “What’s your occupation/profession?” You’d respond, “I’m an accountant.” or “I’m a surgeon.”

Is housewife a occupation?

One dictionary defines an occupation as β€œan activity that serves as one’s regular source of livelihood.” Being a housewife is an activity that gets one food, clothing, and a place to live, and that certainly meets the dictionary’s definition of having an occupation.

Does being a housewife count as unemployed?

A housewife or househusband is probably not actively engaged in searching for a job, so they would not be counted as part of the labor force and would not be counted as unemployed.

What occupation should I write for housewife?

The contemporary word for a housewife, or a more accepted term nowadays is homemaker. It doesn’t add more responsibilities as such. The responsibilities of a housewife/homemaker is endless. But, it’s more spirit elevating and encompasses the overall dignity and personality of women who manage household chores.

What is another word for housewife?

Synonyms of housewife

  • hausfrau,
  • homemaker,
  • housekeeper,
  • stay-at-home.

What means homemaker?

: one who manages a household especially as a spouse and parent.

What does being domesticated mean?

to convert (animals, plants, etc.) to domestic uses; tame. to tame (an animal), especially by generations of breeding, to live in close association with human beings as a pet or work animal and usually creating a dependency so that the animal loses its ability to live in the wild.

What does it mean to be a domesticated woman?

domesticated Add to list Share. Domesticated means trained to live or work for humans, i.e. pets and farm animals. Thus domesticated means an animal tamed to live in your home β€” or, as some women like to joke, a man.

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