What does Oregon Fever mean?

What does Oregon Fever mean?

Term. Oregon fever. Definition. mass migration from the east coast to the west coast via the Oregon trail in search of fertile land. Term.

What was Oregon fever and how did it come about?

Oregon Fever Grips America. Fur traders and missionaries helped set the stage for massive migrations of settlers to Oregon beginning in the 1840s. But other factors played roles in the spread of what became known as “Oregon Fever.” Events and attitudes conspired to push and pull restless Americans to the Oregon Country …

What was Oregon fever quizlet?

Terms in this set (19) Oregon Fever. People rushed to the Oregon Territory for the animals, fertile soil, and the trade of fur pelts. The Oregon Trail. The trail people took to move out west and colonize west of the Mississippi to the Oregon Territory. The Migration of the Mormons.

Was there gold on the Oregon Trail?

Some Oregonians struck it rich and lived out their lives on Nob Hill in San Francisco, but most had returned to the Willamette Valley before the first 49ers arrived from the East. Many came home with pockets full of gold dust and trunks full of clothing and furniture from San Francisco.

Did they really circle the wagons in the Old West?

Some might break away to settle in Colorado Territory or other territories along the way. At night, wagon trains were often formed into a circle or square for shelter from wind or weather, and to corral the emigrants’ animals in the center to prevent them from running away or being stolen by Native Americans.

What ended the Oregon Trail?

Oregon City was the end of the trail for many because it was where land claims were granted for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Wyoming.

Who really blazed the Oregon Territory?

Three forgotten pioneers are the men who blazed the Oregon Trail; Robert Gray, Wilson Price Hunt, and Robert Stuart. It was Hunt and Stuart, not Lewis and Clark, who pioneered the route American settlers took the West Coast in the 19th Century.

Who went to Oregon during Manifest Destiny?

Missionaries Blaze the Oregon Trail By the 1840s, the Manifest Destiny had Americans in the East eager to expand their horizons. While Lewis and Clark had made their way west from 1804 to 1806, merchants, traders and trappers were also among the first people to forge a path across the Continental Divide.

Why was the Oregon Trail dangerous?

Disease. Emigrants feared death from a variety of causes along the trail: lack of food or water; Indian attacks; accidents, or rattlesnake bites were a few. However, the number one killer, by a wide margin, was disease. The most dangerous diseases were those spread by poor sanitary conditions and personal contact.

What were the two main causes of death along the Oregon Trail?

Nearly one in ten who set off on the Oregon Trail did not survive. The two biggest causes of death were disease and accidents.

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