What does OTP mean sexually?

What does OTP mean sexually?

“One true pairing.” An OTP is a couple you’re emotionally invested in and think are meant to be together.

What does R mean in chat?

R means “Are”.

What is someone’s aesthetic?

What is personal aesthetic? Merriam-Webster defines aesthetic as: a particular taste for or approach to what is pleasing to the senses. Put simply: your aesthetic is your personal “look.” It’s how you approach things, what you perceive as beautiful and compelling.

How did NASA get its name?

In 1958, Silverstein was called to serve at the NACA headquarters in Washington, D.C. He and his colleagues transformed the NACA into NASA, and he became Director of Space Flight Programs. Credit: NASA Silverstein chose the name “Apollo” after perusing a book of mythology at home one evening in 1960.

What do astronauts call each other?


Position Examples
Pilot Robert Crippen, flew the first Space Shuttle mission as pilot
Payload Commander (PLC) Story Musgrave, Michael P. Anderson
Mission Specialist (MS) Jerry L. Ross and Franklin Chang-Diaz each flew seven times as Shuttle Mission Specialists.

Why did NASA call it Apollo?

Abe Silverstein, Director of Space Flight Development, proposed the name “Apollo” because it was the name of a god in ancient Greek mythology with attractive connotations and the precedent for naming manned spaceflight projects for mythological gods and heroes had been set with Mercury.

What is NASA’s motto?

we make Air and Space available for everyone

Is NASA a military?

NASA as a civilian agency and Space Force as a branch of the military operate in the same domain of space, supporting America’s national interests. NASA focuses on exploration, research and development for education, innovation, economic vitality, and stewardship of Earth.

What are NASA missions?

  • Missions. Commercial Crew. International Space Station. Perseverance Mars Rover. Parker Solar Probe.
  • Third Rock Radio.

What is NASA main goal?

NASA’s goal is to increase utilization of the ISS to conduct scientific research; for exploration related technology development; and to foster commercial investment in space.

Will the Mars rover return to Earth?

A new rover built by Nasa and named Perseverance will land on Mars in February 2021 using the “sky crane” method. A giant parachute and rocket motors will slow the mission’s descent before the rover is lowered to the surface using cables.

When did humans discover space?


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