
What does Peter do that upsets Cole?

What does Peter do that upsets Cole?

Peter continually insults him, destroys his carvings, and doubts the veracity of Cole’s transformation. He goes as far as completely beating Cole up.

What does Cole learn about forgiveness?

Cole learned to forgive. He says, “Being angry is giving someone else control of my feelings so they own me. Forgiving gives me control again. Cole knows that no one wants to be angry, but choosing to remain angry indicates a lack of control over oneself.

What does Cole learn from being referred repeatedly while being told each time that it is his last chance?

What does Cole learn from “being referred” repeatedly, while being told each time that it is his “last chance”? Cole learns that it is the adult term for passing the buck and that he can always count on having one more “last chance.”

When Cole realizes that it is his turn to die What emotions does he experience?

When Cole realizes that it is “his turn” to die, what emotions does he experience? He feels sad, scared, and feels like he deserved it. Cole is near-death from his injuries, exposure, and lack of food and water.

Why did Cole burn down his shelter?

Why does Cole burn down his first shelter? He needed to start a fire in order to stay warm. The fire started accidentally, and Cole didn’t want to burn the shelter. The shelter is part of a game that Cole does not want to play.

How does Cole react to his victim during circle justice?

How does Cole react to his victim during Circle Justice? Cole glares threateningly at Peter. Cole refuses to look Peter directly in the eye. Cole taps his shoe against the leg of his victim’s chair.

What does the AT Oow symbolize?

This blanket is called an at. oow. It is a symbol of friendship and trust. This means that Garvey trusts and considers Cole as a friend and Cole considers Peter as a friend and trusts him.

What does the ancestor rock symbolize in Touching Spirit Bear?

Carrying the ancestor rock is a way that Cole can clear his mind and figure out who he is in the context of something bigger than himself. When he gets to the top of the hill and puts it down, the symbolism of the rock changes to represent Cole’s anger.

What does anger symbolize?

In contrast to fear and sadness, anger can provide a surge of energy and make you feel more in charge, rather than feeling vulnerable or helpless. Essentially, anger can be a means of creating a sense of control and power in the face of vulnerability and uncertainty.

What does the hot dog represent in Touching Spirit Bear?

The Hot Dog was a symbol that Garvey used to teach Cole a lesson. Garvey said the world is a hot dog. This is because a hot dog is whatever you make it. It can just be like all the other food you ate that day or it could be a feast eaten a celebration.

What did Cole learn from the spirit bear?

Through suffering, loneliness, and the power of rituals, he learns how his anger has contributed to his violent behavior. Cole learns to control that anger, and in doing so, he learns how to take responsibility for his actions and care for others.

What happens to Cole in Touching Spirit Bear?

While he’s trying to figure out what to do next, Cole runs into Spirit Bear. Instead of respecting the creature, though, he tries to kill it and gets mauled pretty badly. Cole can feel life drifting away from him as he lies out in the open getting rained on and feeling himself grow weaker, but he refuses to die.

What does Cole take away from the whale dance?

Chapter 18: What does Cole take away from the whale dance? Edwin, Garvey and Cole danced around the burning fire mimicking whale-breaching motions with their bodies, while dancing, Cole notices how whales migrate but don’t have a home, and he feels relates to the nature of whales.

What does Cole do with the log?

What does Cole do with the log? He begins carving a canoe, but feels his anger growing and chops at the log making it unusable as a canoe. He, then, carves a totem pole!

Why does Cole hesitate to tell Garvey and Edwin that he has seen the white bear?

Why does Cole hesitate to tell Garvey and Edwin that he has seen the white bear? Cole is afraid that Edwin and Garvey, who are already angry with him, will send him back to Minneapolis.

What does Cole realize as he carries the ancestor rock up the hill by himself for the first time?

What does Cole realize as he carries the ancestor rock up the hill by himself for the first time? Cole realizes he has come a long way since smashing Peter’s head on the sidewalk.

What does Cole think about when he stumbles?

What does Cole think about when he stumbles while carrying the ancestor rock up the hill? He imagined a day in his life when he stumbled and how far he has come.

What does Peter think is Cole’s motive for being nice to him?

What does Peter think is Cole’s motive for being nice to him? Peter thinks Cole is being nice to him to lull him into trust so he can hurt him more than before. Peter thinks Cole just wants to get off the island, and being nice to Peter is the price he has to pay.

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