What does Piga mean in Swedish?

What does Piga mean in Swedish?

piga Noun. piga, -en (hembiträdetjänsteflickajungfru) servant girls, the ~ Noun. servants, the ~ Noun. maids, the ~ Noun.

What does gumman mean in Swedish?

Gubbe and gumma are affectionate terms for ‘old man’ and ‘old lady’, respectively. Furthermore, you can call small children lilla gubben or lilla gumman (‘sweet little boy’ or ‘sweet little girl)’ as a term of endearment.

What does Karlek mean in Swedish?

love, to Verb (loves; loved; loving)

How do you pronounce Karlek?


  1. IPA: /ˈɕɛːrˌleːk/, [ˈɕæː.ˌɭeːk]
  2. audio. (file)

What does min Enda Karlek mean?

my love My love

What do you call a Swedish girl?

flicka. More Swedish words for girl. flicka noun. miss, gal, lass, she, damsel.

Is Inga a Swedish name?

In Swedish and Norwegian, it is mostly used as a masculine, but less often also as a feminine name, sometimes as a short form of Ingeborg, while in Danish, Estonian, Frisian, German and Dutch it is exclusively feminine. The feminine name has the variant Inga….Inge.

Other names
Related names Inga, Yngvi, Yngve

What does Inga mean in Norwegian?

In Scandinavian Baby Names the meaning of the name Inga is: Ing’s protection (Ing was the Norse god of peace and fertility). Hero’s daughter. A feminine diminutive of Ingeborg.

What does the name Inger mean?

guarded by Ing

What are some Scandinavian names?

29 Super-Cool Scandinavian Baby Names

  • Juni.
  • Marit.
  • Ebbe.
  • Danique.
  • Annika.
  • Malin.
  • Freya.
  • Mette.

What is a female Viking called?


What is a female Viking name?

Viking Names for Girls For Your Little Warrior

Ilka Flattering, hardworking Slavic
Ingrid Ing’s beauty Scandinavian
Irmuska War goddess German
Isane Strong willed German
Ivana God is gracious Slavic

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