What does Qwc mean?
Quality of Written Communication
What is Qwc in Mark scheme?
In every AQA GCSE chemistry exam, candidates are expected to provide at least one long-style written answer. This is officially known as the question assessing Quality of Written Communication (QWC). Although, many candidates and teachers refer to this as the 6-mark question, as it is usually awarded 6 marks.
How do you answer a 6 mark question in chemistry?
Six-mark questions often use these command words:
- Describe means you should recall facts, events or processes accurately.
- Explain means you need to make something clear, or state the reasons for something happening.
- Compare means you need to describe similarities and differences between things.
What does B mean in maths mark scheme?
independent of method marks
What are method marks?
Marks are awarded in the first place for knowing a correct method of solution and attempting to apply it (M marks). In general, no accuracy marks (A marks) can be obtained until a valid method has been established.
What does FT mean in maths?
A unit of length (or distance) in US units equal to 12 inches. The abbreviation is: ft. Or sometimes the single quote mark: ‘ Example: 10 feet can be written 10 ft, or just 10’ A foot is exactly 0.3048 meters in the Metric System (the foot is defined that way).
What does NFWW mean?
National Federation of Women Workers
What is something that is 1 foot?
1 foot is a unit of length in the customary system of measurement that is equal to 12 inches. You may want to think of 1 foot as the average length of a human foot because this is how it was originally defined.
What does feet in math look like?
Symbol. The IEEE standard symbol for a foot is “ft”. In some cases, the foot is denoted by a prime, often approximated by an apostrophe, and the inch by a double prime; for example, 2 feet 4 inches is sometimes denoted as 2′ 4″.
Are foot and feet the same thing in math?
Foot and feet are Standard Units of Measurement. Whilst foot refers to the single unit of measurement, ‘feet’ is its plural alternative. In this sense, the difference between foot and feet in Maths depends on how large the distance or length is that you are measuring.
Is 5 feet and 5 foot the same?
You’re absolutely right about ‘five foot tall’; if you’re talking to someone or writing and don’t need to be formal, saying that you’re ‘five foot tall’ is fine. However, to say you are ‘five feet tall’ is correct and is probably safer when you’re writing in English.
What is 170cm in feet?
170 cm equals 5 feet and 7 inches in height. 1 foot is around 30.48 cm or 12 inches, therefore 170 cm is equal to 5.58 feet or 5 feet and 7 inches.
How many foot is a feet?
Feet to Foot Conversion Table
Feet | Foot |
1 feet | 1 ft |
2 feet | 2 ft |
3 feet | 3 ft |
4 feet | 4 ft |
Why is there 12 inches in a foot?
Initially, the Romans divided their foot into 16-digits, but they later split it into 12 unciae (which in English means ounce or inch). In the United States, a foot was estimated to be 12 inches with an inch defined by the 1893 Mendenhall order which stated that one meter is equal to 39.37 inches.
Is it 7 inches or feet?
In 7 in there are 0.58333333 ft . Which is the same to say that 7 inches is 0.58333333 feet.
Is it 1 feet or 1 foot?
For all other meanings of “foot,” we use “foot” for the singular form and “feet” for the plural.
Why do we say 5 foot instead of feet?
“The plural of ‘foot’ is ‘feet,’ and the hose is 25 feet long. The reason is simple: In that sentence, “foot” is not a noun; as Peter correctly observed, it is part of a compound adjective. Nouns can be singular or plural, but in the English language, adjectives don’t change according to number.
Is it 0.5 foot or 0.5 feet?
Generally, units are always plural with the singular (pun intended) exception of when the multiplier is exactly 1. Thus, you would write (and say) 0.5 feet (in words, “zero point five feet”), or to make it clearer “0.437 feet”.
Is it a foot or inch?
In the U.S., the common symbol for feet is the apostrophe (‘), while the symbol for inches is commonly the quote (“). Are you certain there are symbols for feet and inches?
How do you write 5 feet 8 inches?
For example, 5 inches, 8 feet, 5 ounces, 100 pounds, etc. Just like Chicago Manual Style, you can use a hyphen as well if the dimension is an adjective before nouns: 8-foot pole, the 10-ounce crackers, the 170-pound dog, etc. The third rule is you don’t need hyphens if you’re describing someone’s height.