What does re mean in slang?

What does re mean in slang?

RE. Regarding. RE. Hello Again (D-Dial slang)

What does re mean in messages?


Does re mean reply?

Re: in the subject line of an email means “reply” or “response”. So in this context don’t use it when you mean “regarding”, but when you’re replying to an email. Most email applications will add Re: to the subject automatically for you when you click the Reply button.

What does re mean in Instagram?


How do you use the word re?

used in the subject line of an email to show that you are replying to an email that was sent to you with the same title. If you reply to an email, this word is automatically added to the reply the person you are emailing receives: The email was titled “Re: Our Meeting Next Week.”

How is re used?

Re is an English preposition in use since at least the 18th century. It means “in the matter of, with reference to.” Like sic, re is a Latin word. “In regards” is nonstandard English for in regard to.

Why do you put re in a letter?

RE or Re is just a prefix used before the subject line of a previous email message to mean the new message is a reply for a previous message. In a business letter, it introduces the subject that it is about.

What is RE in English?

re- a prefix, occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, used with the meaning “again” or “again and again” to indicate repetition, or with the meaning “back” or “backward” to indicate withdrawal or backward motion: regenerate; refurbish; retype; retrace; revert. Also red-.

What does re mean in gaming?


What does GG mean sexually?

Game and Giving

Is GG an insult?

Both, some say it as an insult, if you have a troller or someone bad, you can say GG early indicating that the game is already over. Usually it is a compliment. There’s no clear way to tell if it’s sincere or sarcasm. When said by the winner (or the one who believes he’s going to win easily), it’s an insult.

What is R and G in gaming?

A random number generator (RNG) is an algorithm that produces random numbers. In video games, these random numbers are used to determine random events, like your chance at landing a critical hit or picking up a rare item. Random number generation, or RNG, is a defining factor in many modern games.

Why is RNG bad?

RNG might be bad in an RPG where the player’s skill is completely left out of the game, but it’s worse in a fighting game where even the smallest margin of skill determines an outcome and RNG can come along and allow players to steal games, leading to people thinking the game is unfair and not wanting to play anymore.

What does XD stand for?

1. an expression used in text messages or e-mails signaling happiness or laughter. XD is an emoticon. X represents closed eyes while D stands for an open mouth. OMG!

Why do gamers say GG?

GG means “good game.” In multiplayer competitive games, GG is used as a mark of sportsmanship and an acknowledgment that you had fun while battling against your opponents. For many players, it’s standard practice to type GG into the chat at the end of every match.

What does AFK mean?

away from keyboard

Does GG mean good going?

acronym for “good going”.

What does BB mean?

Shorthand for Baby, bb is often used in chat and other text-based communications. Shorthand for bye bye, bb is a way of saying good bye in chat and other text-based communications.

What does Heyyyy mean from a girl?

The two ingredients to create the best possible friendzoning friendship are communication, and simply being yourself. “Hey” means “friends,” “heyy” means they think they like you, “heyyy” means “take the hint already,” “heyyyy” means “dtf,” and “heyyyyy” means they are drunk.

What if a girl calls you bb?

bb is short for baby or babe when you’re texting. People say it for short. That stands for baby. If someone is dating with another person, they could say hey bb.

What does GN BB mean?

Gram-Negative Bacterial Bacteremia

What does LLY mean in Snapchat?

Licking Love you

What does B mean in Snapchat?

“Be” is the most common definition for B on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. B. Definition: Be.

Why do guys call you b?

“B” is short for “baby” or “babe”. Normally called by lovers, and those in the initial stages of dating. Wives also call their husbands “b” too, short for “hubby”.

Why do New Yorkers say B?

If you hear it from folk educated at NYC public schools, it is short for “Brother or “Bro.” Often it’s used in answers to questions or comments as “Naw, B.” or “Yeah, B.” You May also hear “Son” or “Cuz” or “Primo” used the same way.

What does B emoji mean?

The B emoji is central to ghetto memes, borrowing from a Blood gang tradition of replacing the letter “C” with a “B,” to erase the rival Crips from the alphabet. Memers have exaggerated this for comedic effect and will now use “B” to replace any consonant in a sentence.

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