What does robbery in the 2nd degree mean?
Second Degree Robbery is charged when a robbery is alleged but the defendant did not use a deadly weapon or inflict injury. This offense is a Class B felony with a possible sentence of up to 10 years prison.
Is second degree robbery a wobbler?
Robbery is always a felony under California law. It is not a “wobbler” offense which can later be reduced to a misdemeanor. In most cases, a robbery conviction will also qualify as a “strike” under California’s three-strikes law.
What is the average sentence for robbery?
The average aggregate sentence for aggravated robbery is 49 months, with an average minimum term of 26 months. The average aggregate sentence for a non-aggravated robbery is 25 months, with an average minimum term of 13 months.
What is 2nd degree robbery in New York?
Second Degree Robbery: New York Penal Law 160.10(1) If you forcibly steal property from someone, regardless of what it is, and you are assisted by another person who is present, then you are guilty of Second Degree Robbery pursuant to NY Penal Law 160.10(1).
What is it called when you steal from a dead person?
Body snatching is the secret removal of corpses from burial sites. A common purpose of body snatching, especially in the 19th century, was to sell the corpses for dissection or anatomy lectures in medical schools. Those who practised body snatching were often called “resurrectionists” or “resurrection-men”.
How is robbery intimidation or violence?
ROBBERY IN GENERAL. Art. 293. — Any person who, with intent to gain, shall take any personal property belonging to another, by means of violence or intimidation of any person, or using force upon anything shall be guilty of robbery.
What are the 2 kinds of robbery?
Chapter One is composed of two sections, to wit: Section One – Robbery with violence against or intimidation of persons; and Section Two – Robbery by the use of force upon things.
What are the types of robbery?
Among the types of robbery are armed robbery, which involves the use of a weapon, and aggravated robbery, when someone brings with them a deadly weapon or something that appears to be a deadly weapon. Highway robbery or mugging takes place outside or in a public place such as a sidewalk, street, or parking lot.
What is the first action you should take immediately after a robbery?
Try to remain calm, assess the situation, and do exactly as the offender says. Remember the number one priority is your safety, the safety of other employees and customers. Activate alarm devices as soon as possible, but only if it is safe to do so.
How can one avoid being a victim of robbery?
THE STREET: Always be aware of your surroundings, with particular interest to individuals near and around you. If someone looks suspicious or makes you feel uneasy, avoid that person. Go inside a store or business if necessary. If you must make a call while you are walking, go to a safe, public place, like a store.