What does SHM mean in texting?

What does SHM mean in texting?

First Definition of SHM “Somebody Hit Me” is a common definition for SHM on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. SHM. Definition: Somebody Hit Me.

Does SMH mean yes?

Yeah, it means shaking my head.

What does oil mean in texting?

GOOD OIL — really useful information, a great idea, the absolute truth.

What is toil mean?

1 : long strenuous fatiguing labor. 2 archaic. a : struggle, battle. b : laborious effort. toil.

What is the full name of oil?

Petroleum (/pəˈtroʊliəm/), also known as crude oil and oil, is a naturally occurring, yellowish-black liquid found in geological formations beneath the Earth’s surface.

What is Gail full form?

www.gailonline.com. GAIL (India) Limited (formerly known as Gas Authority of India Ltd.) is a government owned natural gas corporation responsible for natural gas processing and distribution in India headquartered in New Delhi, India.

What is oil made of chemically?


What oil is used for?

Heating oil, also called fuel oil, is used in boilers and furnaces for heating homes and buildings, for industrial heating, and for producing electricity in power plants….What are the petroleum products people consume most?

Product Annual consumption (million barrels per day)
Still gas 0.611
Asphalt and road oil 0.342

How a barrel of oil is used?

For many, a barrel of oil is almost synonymous with its most prominent product, gasoline. While almost 40% of a barrel of oil is used to produce gasoline, the rest is used to produce a host of products including jet fuel and plastics and many industrial chemicals.

What are the pros and cons of oil?

Top 10 Oil Pros & Cons – Summary List

Pros of Oil Cons of Oil
Easy storage Oil as finite resource
Reliable power source Dependence on other countries
Extraction is relatively easy Dependence on global oil price
Easy transportation Oil field exploration might be expensive

What are bad things about oil?

Spilt oil can pollute streams, rivers and, if it soaks through the soil and rock, groundwater. In the UK our drinking water supplies come from rivers and groundwater. We must protect them both from pollution. Oil is toxic and harmful to plants and animals and a threat to their habitats.

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