What does superstructure mean?

What does superstructure mean?

1a : an entity, concept, or complex based on a more fundamental one. b : social institutions (such as the law or politics) that are in Marxist theory erected upon the economic base. 2 : a structure built as a vertical extension of something else: such as.

How does the base shape the superstructure?

The base determines society’s other relationships and ideas to comprise its superstructure, including its culture, institutions, political power structures, roles, rituals, and state.

What does base mean in science?

Base, in chemistry, any substance that in water solution is slippery to the touch, tastes bitter, changes the colour of indicators (e.g., turns red litmus paper blue), reacts with acids to form salts, and promotes certain chemical reactions (base catalysis).

What does base mean?

: the bottom or lowest part of something : the part on which something rests or is supported. : something (such as a group of people or things) that provides support for a place, business, etc. : a main ingredient to which other things are added to make something.

What are the types of base?

Types of Bases

  • Strong base – It is a compound that has an ability to remove a proton from a very weak acid.
  • Weak base – There is incomplete dissociation when in water.
  • Superbase – These bases are better at deprotonation when compared to a strong base.

What is the other name of base?

Base Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for base?

bottom foot
basis bedrock
bridgehead cornerstone
foothold footing
ground keystone

What is a base person?

Base suggests a contemptible, mean-spirited, or selfish lack of human decency: “that liberal obedience, without which your army would be a base rabble” (Edmund Burke). Something low violates standards of morality, ethics, or propriety: low cunning; a low trick.

Is it based on or based upon?

(Upon is more formal and less commonly used than on.) I base my opinion on many, many facts. I based my opinion upon my own seasoned judgment.

What is a synonym for upon?

In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for upon, like: above, affixed to, superimposed, simultaneous, next-to, in, consequent to, beginning with, onto, located at and against.

What is the difference between upon and onto?

“Onto” exclusively expresses a physical location. “Upon” can be used colloquially to express a moment in time.

Does Upon mean after?

Loading when this answer was accepted… After means just that: at any time after the event. Using after would mean that once the new dataset had been created, the conditions are right for an account to be activated. Upon indicates a simultaneous operation, “at the time of”. See ODO sense 8 (upon redirects to on):

Is upon after or before?

As prepositions the difference between upon and after is that upon is being above and in contact with another while after is subsequently to; following in time; later than.

What means upon receiving?

When you get the parcel… means, effectively, the same as On receipt of the parcel… But they are not the same. When (in reference to a definite actual occurrence or fact) means at the time that, on the occasion that. ( OED) Upon (often shortened to ‘on’) means Immediately after; following on” (OED)

What means once upon a time?

: at some time in the past He was a famous actor once upon a time. Note: Once upon a time is the traditional way to begin a fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Snow White.

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