What does the governor decide about letting Hester raise Pearl?

What does the governor decide about letting Hester raise Pearl?

What does the Governor decide about letting Hester raise Pearl? He decides to let her keep Pearl if she educated, is taken to school at the proper age, and that Hester doesn’t cause the town anymore scandals.

What reason does Hester give to keep Pearl?

What reason does Hester give for her need to keep Pearl? Pearl was a reminder of her sin and without her she had no reason to live. Who supports Hester in her pleas to keep Pearl and by what argument? Dimmesdale; It would be best for the child to remain with her mother and she’s doing a good job raising her.

What finally convinces Governor Bellingham and Reverend Wilson let Hester retain guardianship over Pearl?

What finally convinces Governor Bellingham and Reverend Wilson to let Hester retain guardianship over Pearl? Dimmesdale’s passionate reasoning in favor of Hester. They see it as a miracle meant to save Dimmesdale. Why does Pearl pull Hester away from Dimmesdale and Chillingworth?

Which man in at the governor’s argues that Hester should be allowed to keep Pearl?


Why does Dimmesdale consider Chillingworth to be the worst sinner of the three?

Why does Dimmesdale consider Chillingworth to be the worst sinner of the three? Dimmesdale claims that Chillingworth’s revenge has been blacker than his and Hester’s sin, since Chillingworth “violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart,” which he and Hester never did (p. 134).

Does Hester still love Dimmesdale?

Hester realizes that she still loves Dimmesdale, and she courageously tells him this, even as she reveals her silence concerning Chillingworth. Hawthorne contrasts their love — “which had a consecration of its own” — and Chillingworth’s revenge and asks the reader which sin is worse.

How is Chillingworth the worst sinner?

Undoubtedly, Chillingworth is the worst sinner as he acts mercilessly and villainously. His victim has no chance to survive as he does not know the feeling of compassion. Hester and Dimmesdale are also sinners, especially in the eyes of Puritans, whereas they are guided by love.

Why does Pearl hesitate to return to her mother when she is called?

Pearl hesitates to return because she doesnt recognize her mother with her hair out of the hat and loose and without the scarlett letter on her bosom.

What is there about Pearl that has caused Dimmesdale many an alarm?

What is there about Pearl that has caused dimmesdale ‘many an alarm?’ Pearls looks have caused him many an alarm because he is afraid people will recognize the features and know he fathered her. She hopes dimmesdale will be able to help her figure out the strange little girl.

What does Hester tell Pearl The Scarlet Letter means?

Hester’s refusal to tell Pearl the true meaning of the letter is symbolic of Pearl’s role in the novel. Pearl has often been compared to a living version of the scarlet letter. Telling Pearl about the “A” would reveal something that Hester is afraid Pearl can not fully comprehend.

Where does Hester stand to listen to the sermon?

Hester stands at the foot of the scaffold during the sermon since the rest of the town deem it inappropriate for an adulteress to sit among them in the church.

Why does Hester come back to her cottage after being away for so long?

What does Hester realize while she is standing by the scaffold? Why does Hester come back to her cottage after being away for so long? Hester goes back to her cottage after so long because she feels that she needs to live out her punishment. What becomes her new role in the community?

Why does Chillingworth try to stop Dimmesdale from confessing?

Why does Chillingworth try to stop Dimmesdale’s confession? Dimmesdale’s acknowledgement of that sin has freed her and made her a full human being. The one place that Dimmesdale is safe from Chillingworth is. The scaffold, because that’s the one place that Chillingworth can’t use the secret against him.

Why does Chillingworth hate Dimmesdale?

Chillingworth hates Dimmesdale. Yet his thirst for revenge means that he can never be free of Dimmesdale. So bound up is he in Dimmesdale that he eventually moves in with him, in the guise of caring for him as the kindly physician. They are so connected that Chillingworth dies less than a year after Dimmesdale.

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