
What does the last line of the book Night suggest?

What does the last line of the book Night suggest?

This is the final passage of Night, Eliezer’s final statement about the effect the Holocaust has had on him. Eliezer implies that even though he has survived the war physically, he is essentially dead, his soul killed by the suffering he witnessed and endured.

What was Juliek’s last act before dying?

Juliek’s last act was to play his violin “to an audience of dying and dead men”.

What happened to the prisoners who stopped running?

In the blizzard and the darkness, the prisoners from Buna are evacuated. Anybody who stops running is shot by the SS. Zalman, a boy running alongside Eliezer, decides he can run no further. He stops and is trampled to death.

Why does Elie’s father wake him up when he is sleeping on the snow?

He was shot by the SS and then trampled to death. Why does Elie’s father wake him up when he is sleeping on the snow? It is dangerous to sleep in the snow because you might not wake up. Juliek died the night he played Beethoven’s concerto.

What did Elie realize about Rabbi eliahou’s son?

What did Elie realize about Rabbi Eliahou and his son? He realized that the son had been trying to lose his father as the men were running. At the same time, the Rabbi was looking for the son who had deserted him. Elie heard a voice that he recognized, Juliek, the muscician from Warsaw who’d played the violin at Buna.

Why does Elie’s father woke him up?

Why does Wiesel’s father wake him at the brick factory? His father wakes him up so that he will not die or “fall asleep forever.” Elie would use his fingernails in order to reach for air.

Why do the gravediggers try to take Elie’s father?

Why do the “gravediggers” try to take Elie’s father? What does he do to stop them? they wanted to throw them off the train because they thought he was gonna die so he shook him, slapped him. A lot of the people died and it was cold because snow would get in the trains.

What crime did Pipel commit?

possessing arms

What happens to Moshe the Beadle when he is expelled from Sighet?

Moshe the Beadle (Elie’s Kabbalah tutor) is expelled from Sighet for being a foreign Jew. He is gone a few months and upon his return he tried to warn everyone about the Nazis. Ghetto neighborhoods outlined in barbed wire where Jews were forced to live.

Why does Elie’s father seem to have more will to live than Meir Katz?

He felt it would be less torturous and far better to die than to go to the concentration camp and suffer more. Shlomo on the other hand believed that those hard days would not last forever and freedom would once again be restored to them. So Shlomo seemed to have more of a will to live than his friend Meir Katz.

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