What does the speaker in Harlem contemplates?

What does the speaker in Harlem contemplates?

criticize oppression. criticize oppression. The speaker in “Harlem” contemplates. the outcome of people’s hatred.

Who is the speaker in the poem The Weary Blues?

The poem’s speaker is an unnamed narrator, but his views align closely with Hughes’s own. Therefore, the reader can imagine the speaker to be Hughes himself. Hughes writes in the first person from his own perspective and from the perspective of the musician.

What is the message of the Weary Blues?

The central theme of “The Weary Blues” concerns the resilience of the archetypal “common” person who has times of despair or despondency. Music serves as a means of relieving pain or anxiety. The poem transcends the limitations of race, as all people have used music and poetry as a means of getting through bad times.

What type of poem is The Weary Blues?

And far into the night he crooned that tune. The stars went out and so did the moon. While the Weary Blues echoed through his head. He slept like a rock or a man that’s dead….The Weary Blues.

by Langston Hughes
First published in 1925
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) African-American poetry Jazz poetry

Who is the audience in How It Feels to Be Colored Me?

Her audience is very general. She mentions people of her culture and people of other cultures, yet does not make them her intended audience. Hurston makes it clear that her audience is no one in particular, rather anyone who cares to hear what she has to say.

How does Hurston feel about discrimination?

“Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company?”(Hurston 2) In this way, racism encourages bullying, which virtually begins within the youth.

How does it feel to be Colored Me Indian chief?

“Indian Chief” is a euphemism for “white master:” this is an allusion to the commonly understood idea that white owners raped their black female slaves to create more slaves, especially after the import of slaves from Africa was banned in the US.

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