
What does the velocity time graph represent?

What does the velocity time graph represent?

The slope of a velocity graph represents the acceleration of the object. So, the value of the slope at a particular time represents the acceleration of the object at that instant.

What is velocity time graph in physics?

A velocity-time graph shows the speed and direction an object travels over a specific period of time. Velocity-time graphs are also called speed-time graphs. The vertical axis of a velocity-time graph is the velocity of the object. The horizontal axis is the time from the start.

How do you interpret a velocity time graph?

The principle is that the slope of the line on a velocity-time graph reveals useful information about the acceleration of the object. If the acceleration is zero, then the slope is zero (i.e., a horizontal line). If the acceleration is positive, then the slope is positive (i.e., an upward sloping line).

Is speed the same as velocity?

Speed is the time rate at which an object is moving along a path, while velocity is the rate and direction of an object’s movement.

What is the difference between velocity speed and acceleration?

Speed is the rate of change of distance(basically how much distance(m) has been covered in a particular time(s)). Velocity is the rate of change of displacement( change of distance in a particular direction with respect to time) , and acceleration is the rate of change of velocity per unit of time.

When the velocity is zero?

If velocity is 0 , that means the object is not moving, but with acceleration present, there is a force acting on the object.

Can a body have zero acceleration but non zero velocity?

It is possible to have a non-zero value of acceleration when the velocity of a body is zero. Therefore, the body is still accelerating. Example- When a ball is thrown upwards on earth with a constant velocity, the gravitational force of the earth acts on it in the opposite direction.

Can a body have eastward velocity experiencing westward acceleration?

Answer: Yes, it possible, in this case – ve acceleration known as retardation. Answer: An object can have an Eastward velocity while experiencing a Westward acceleration.

Can speed be negative or zero?

Speed = Distance travelled/Time taken The ratio of distance travelled and the time taken by a body can be zero but not negative. Since distance and time are positive quantities and speed is obtained by the ratio of these two quantities, speed cannot be negative.

How can you have acceleration but no velocity?

Since acceleration is the change in velocity over time, there has to be a change in velocity for something to accelerate. Although at an instant in time it is possible to have zero velocity whilst accelerating. For example, if you drop an object at the instant you release it it has zero velocity but it is accelerating.

Can an object with negative acceleration have a positive velocity?

An object which moves in the positive direction has a positive velocity. If the object is slowing down then its acceleration vector is directed in the opposite direction as its motion (in this case, a negative acceleration).

Is negative acceleration and deceleration the same?

Negative Acceleration. Deceleration always refers to acceleration in the direction opposite to the direction of the velocity. Deceleration always reduces speed. Negative acceleration, however, is acceleration in the negative direction in the chosen coordinate system.

When a car’s velocity is positive and acceleration is negative?

Explanation: The car’s rate of change of position is decreasing. The car is moving but its rate of position increase is coming down. The car will eventually come to a brief stop and begin traveling backward.

Is velocity positive or negative when falling?

The way you read your graph is this: negative velocity means the body falling down, positive velocity means the body climbing. If you start with initial velocity zero, you would expect the body to start falling immediately, which is indeed what happens.

Does a positive acceleration always mean an increase in speed?

If the speed is increasing, the car has positive acceleration. When the car slows down, the speed decreases. The decreasing speed is called negative acceleration. In both cases, the car is accelerating, but one acceleration is positive and one is negative.

Does a negative acceleration always mean an object is slowing down?

If you always choose the current direction of motion as positive, then an object that is slowing down will always have a negative acceleration.

Does initial velocity affect acceleration?

Initial velocity is independent of the slope of the graph; that is, the acceleration.

What are positive and negative acceleration in straight line motion?

If speed of an object increases with time its acceleration is positive. Acceleration is in the direction of motion and if speed of an object decreases with time its acceleration is negative Acceleration is opposite to the direction of motion.

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