What does the word captivity mean in the Bible?

What does the word captivity mean in the Bible?

the state or period of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined. (initial capital letter) Babylonian captivity.

What’s a word for feeling trapped?

What is another word for trapped?

ensnared stuck
caught confined
cornered cut off
entombed hemmed in
imprisoned locked in

What is the difference between captive and non captive mines?

Captive mines are those that produce coal or mineral for exclusive use by the company that owns the mines, while non-captive ones those that produce as well as sell the fuel.

What is captive consumption?

Captive Consumption means the consumption of goods manufactured by one division and consumed by another division(s) of the same organization or related undertaking for manufacturing another product(s).

What is captive consumption in GST?

‘Captive Consumption’ means the consumption of goods manufactured by one division or unit and consumer by another division or unit of the same organization or related undertaking for manufacturing another product. The assessable value of goods used for captive consumption is based on cost of production.

What is captive production?

Captive products are strategically used to maximize revenue. Low price are offered for the core product, but high prices are placed on captive products. This attracts customers to the core product with a low price but allows sellers to make a profit off the captive products, which are necessary to use the product.

Is GST included in cost sheet?

GST collection is estimated to be around 20 to 22 lakh crores per annum and the professional opportunities to cater to the clients are enormous….Cost Sheet in Existing Tax Regime:

Description Amount (INR)
Purchase Price of Goods (A) 1,00,000
Excise Duty on Inputs @ 12.50% (B) 12,500
Value Added Tax @ 5.50% 6,188
Total Purchase Price 1,18,688

How do you calculate cost per unit sheet?

Formula for Cost Per Unit Calculation (With Examples)

  1. Cost Per Unit = (Total Fixed Costs + Total Variable Costs) / Total Units Produced.
  2. Read more: What Is Variable Cost? ( With Examples)
  3. Cost Per Unit = (Total Fixed Costs + Total Variable Costs) / Total Units Produced.

Which items are excluded from cost sheet?

Items Excluded from Cost Accounts

  • Items of Appropriation of Profit. (a) Income tax paid and legal expenses incurred in connection with the assessment of income tax. (b) Transfer to reserves.
  • Items of Pure Finance. (a) Interest and dividends received on investments. (b) Rent received.
  • Abnormal items. (a) Cost of abnormal idle time.

Which is excluded from the cost of stock?

Under both IFRS and US GAAP, the costs that are excluded from inventory include: abnormal costs that are incurred as a result of material waste, labor or other production conversion inputs, storage costs (unless required as part of the production process), and all administrative overhead and selling costs.

Is donation included in cost sheet?

Traditionally those items are excluded from the realm of cost accounting. Donations are considered to be voluntary in nature with little or no business consideration. Therefore, donations are considered as an appropriation of profit and not a business expense.

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