What does the word predict mean?

What does the word predict mean?

Predict, prophesy, foresee, forecast mean to know or tell (usually correctly) beforehand what will happen. Forecast has much the same meaning as predict; it is used today particularly of the weather and other phenomena that cannot easily be accurately predicted: Rain and snow are forecast for tonight.

Can predict the future word?

A soothsayer is someone who can foretell the future. A fortune teller is also known as a soothsayer, or someone who claims to be able to predict the future. Long ago, a soothsayer might have been considered a useful consultant, even for a government, but today soothsayers are more likely to be scoffed at.

What is the best definition for the word prediction?

A prediction is what someone thinks will happen. A prediction is a forecast, but not only about the weather. Pre means “before” and diction has to do with talking. So a prediction is a statement about the future. It’s a guess, sometimes based on facts or evidence, but not always.

How do we predict scientifically?

A scientific prediction is based on a scientific theory. That means in particular it is reproducible (by everybody with the appropriate education), consistent, and the theory it is based on is not in conflict with available data already.

How do you teach difference between will and going to?

Will + infinitive Be going to + infinitive
A prediction based on opinion: I think the Conservatives will win the next election. A prediction based on something we can see (or hear) now: The Conservatives are going to win the election. They already have most of the votes.
A future fact: The sun will rise tomorrow.

Will and going to rules?

Going to is used with predictions. When you are making a decision use will; use going to after the decision has been made. We sometimes also use the present continuous for planned events in the near future. When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true about the future, we use will.

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