
What does TS stand for?

What does TS stand for?

Acronym Definition
TS Transsexual
TS Timestamp
TS Technical Support
TS Terminal Service

What is a TS in writing?

LET’S ADD MORE! THREE CHUNK PARAGRAPH (11 Sentences) TS = Topic Sentence. CD = Concrete Detail. CM = Commentary.

What are the do’s and don’ts of paragraph writing?

Don’ts of Paragraph Writing

  • Do not add the details that are totally irrelevant to the topic under discussion.
  • It is not necessary to add the concluding sentence in the paragraph if the passage looks fine without it.
  • Do not try to confuse the reader by adding two or more main ideas in the same paragraph.

What is CD and CM in writing?

–GREEN is for Commentary Sentences (CM). –RED is for Concrete Details (CD). –BLUE is for Topic Sentences (TS) and Concluding Sentences (CS).

What does CM mean in essay?


What is CD in writing?

Concrete Detail (CD) Commentary (CM) Commentary (CM) Closing/Concluding sentence (CS)

How do you write a commentary sentence?

So if you are struggling to write your commentary try using the “what and why” method. First, tell the reader WHAT your detail is talking about by defining or explaining. Next, let your reader know WHY this detail is relevant to your thesis statement.

What does CD mean?

compact disc

How do you write an introductory paragraph?


  1. Attract the Reader’s Attention. Begin your introduction with a “hook” that grabs your reader’s attention and introduces the general topic.
  2. State Your Focused Topic. After your “hook”, write a sentence or two about the specific focus of your paper.
  3. State your Thesis. Finally, include your thesis statement.

What are the 3 parts of an introductory paragraph?

There are three parts to an introduction: the opening statement, the supporting sentences, and the introductory topic sentence.

What are the 5 parts of an introduction?

The introduction has five important responsibilities: get the audience ‘s attention, introduce the topic, explain its relevance to the audience, state a thesis or purpose, and outline the main points.

What are the four parts of a paragraph?

4. To sum up, four components make up the basic structure of a paragraph. To review the four basic parts of an academic paragraph and practice writing topic sentences, supporting ideas, supporting details, and concluding sentences.

What are 5 parts of a paragraph?

An outline is often used to demonstrate the content of most five-paragraph essays:

  • Introduction.
  • Body. First Point. Second Point. Third Point.
  • Conclusion.

What makes a strong topic sentence?

Every paragraph should include a topic sentence that identifies the main idea of the paragraph. A topic sentence also states the point the writer wishes to make about that subject. But it should be specific enough that the reader can understand the paragraph’s main subject and point.

What are the essential parts of a paragraph?

There are four essential elements that an effective paragraph should consistently contain: unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and sufficient development. In order for a paragraph to maintain a sense of unity, the paragraph must focus solely on a single idea, point, or argument that is being discussed.

What is a strong paragraph?

Paragraphs in academic writing are usually a minimum of 4-6 sentences long with a clear focus, evidence, analysis, and mini conclusion. Paragraphing tips. To create strong paragraphs, consider the following: Use strong topic sentences that clearly preview the paragraph’s topic.

What three components make up an example paragraph?

Elements of a Paragraph A paragraph is made up of a topic sentence, the developing details, and a concluding sentence.

What are the three components of a summary?

A good summary has three basic characteristics: conciseness, accuracy, and objectivity. Conciseness: unlike paraphrase, summary condenses information.

What are the two main components of a topic sentence?

The topic sentence generally is composed of two parts: (a) the topic itself and (b) the controlling idea. Writing effective topic sentences, however, involves more than merely stating the subject of the paragraph. A good topic sentence is specific and well focused, guiding the entire paragraph.

What is a supportive sentence?

What are Supporting Sentences? The supporting sentences of a paragraph develop the main idea you presented in the topic sentence. When writing supporting sentences you should be giving examples, reasons, or descriptions to support your topic sentence. – They should NOT begin a new topic or introduce a new idea.

What is a good transition statement?

What are the components of good transition sentences? They make an explicit connection between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs. Good transitions use specific words. Try to avoid using pronouns like “this” to refer to an entire idea because it is not always clear who or what “this” refers to.

How do you identify a supporting sentence?

Supporting sentences give a reader details to understand a main idea, or evidence to show why a claim is true or correct. You will find supporting sentences in the middle of a paragraph – after the topic sentence, and before a concluding sentence or transition.

What is a supportive person?

To be supportive is to give help or assistance, or to hold something or someone up. If your parents are supportive of your dreams to become a chef, they might enroll you in cooking classes. Supportive is a snuggly word. Anything that supports you, or embraces you and holds you up is supportive.

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