What does Vo stand for in medical terms?

What does Vo stand for in medical terms?

List of medical abbreviations: V

Abbreviation Meaning
VO verbal order
VOC vaso-occlusive crisis
VOD volume of distribution
VPA valproic acid

What Vo means?

Voice Over

What does Vo mean in science?

What does VO stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning
VO Volatile Organic
VO Velocity Obstacle (robotics)
VO Shuttle Operations (US NASA)
VO Voluntary Opening

What does be stand for in medical terms?

barium enema

What are the common medical terms?

Once you understand how to memorize the most common medical terms, everything else will fall into place….The 50 Most Common Medical Suffixes.

-ary Pertaining to
-dilation To expand; stretch
-dynia Pain; discomfort
-ectomy Removal
-edema Swelling; inflammation

What does CX mean medical?

phosgene oxime

What does the abbreviation CX stand for?

customer experience

Does CX mean cancel?

CX stands for Cancel This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Slang/chat, popular culture.

What does D stand for in medical terms?

Medical Abbreviations – D (part 1)

Abbreviation Interpretation
DCD developmental coordination disorder
DC’d discontinued
DCE Diabetes Care and Education
double-contrast barium enema

What is CX in English?

Princeton’s WordNet. one hundred ten, 110, cx(adj) being ten more than one hundred.

What does CX stand for in business?

Customer experience

What is the abbreviation for cancel?


What does CLX stand for?


Acronym Definition
CLX Cluster Extension
CLX Cambridge Lindy Exchange (swing dance club; Cambridge, UK)
CLX Command Live Exercise

What is the abbreviation for carcinoma?

List of Abbreviations

5-FU 5-Fluorouracil (anti cancer drug)
Ca Cancer; carcinoma
Ca Calcium
cALL Common ALL
CAT Computerised axial tomography (scan)

How do you abbreviate appointment?

Appt. is a written abbreviation for appointment.

What is the short form of doctor?


How do you abbreviate approximately?

Approx is the only accepted abbreviation for approximately and any other word you see or use are likely going to be typos. When you are using numbers, it is also appropriate to use the tilde (~) before the number such as in the example “~4K” to refer to an estimate.

Is APP short for appointment?

The abbreviation for appointment is appt Have a nice time. The abbreviation for appointment is Appt.

What is the abbreviation apt?


What is the abbreviation for apartment?


What is the abbreviation of business?


What is is stand for?

Acronym Definition
IS Information System(s)
IS In Service
IS Internet Service
IS Information Services

What does TTL mean in business?

What does TTL stand for?

Rank Abbr. Meaning
TTL Tax Title & License
TTL The Textbook Letter (Textbook League)
TTL Ticket Time Limit
TTL Treasury Tax & Loan

What does top stand for in business?


Acronym Definition
TOP The Owners Perspective (business management software; Advanced Contractor Cost Management, Inc.)
TOP Top of Production (manufacturing)
TOP Trade Online Project (ecommerce)
TOP Trade Opportunities Program

What top means?

b(1) : the highest or uppermost region or part. (2) : the upper end, edge, or surface. 2 : a fitted, integral, or attached part or unit serving as an upper piece, lid, or covering. 3a(1) : the highest position (as in rank or achievement) (2) : a person or thing at the top.

What is top medical?

TOP in Medical. 17. TOP. Termination Of Pregnancy + 2 variants. Diagnosis, Pregnancy, Midwifery.

What does TOP mean in construction?

TOP in Construction

3 Top Top of Parapet Drawing, Design, Architecture
2 TOP Technical and Office Protocol + 1 variant Computing, Programming, Technology
1 TOP Technical And Office Protocol Engineering, Architectural
2 TOP The Owners Perspective Management, Business, Technology
1 TOP Touch Of Perfection recent

What does tos stand for in construction?

Top of Steel

What does TMS stand for in construction?

Control Joint Structural

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