What does Volga River provide?

What does Volga River provide?

The Volga drains most of Western Russia. Its many large reservoirs provide irrigation and hydroelectric power. The Moscow Canal, the Volga-Don Canal, and the Mariinsk Canal systems form navigable waterways connecting Moscow to the White Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea.

What is unique about the Volga River?

The Volga River is the longest river in Europe. The river is 3,692 kilometers (2,294 miles) long and is located entirely in Russia. It is also Europe’s largest river in terms of discharge and watershed. The average flow rate of the Volga River is 8,060 cubic meters (284,636 cubic feet) per second.

Which makes the fishing industry an important part of Russia’s economy?

The Russian fishing industry has an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 7.6 million km2 including access to twelve seas in three oceans, together with the landlocked Caspian Sea and more than two million rivers. This made Russia the ninth leading producer of fish, with 2.3 percent of the world total.

Is the Volga river polluted?

The Volga River is the longest river in Europe. LENIN the former ruler of Russia and perhaps the most influential man of Russia was raised along the Volga. Pollution of the Volga River. 3,000 factories dump 10 billion cubic yards of contaminated waste into the river every year.

Why is the Volga River so polluted?

Pollution in parts of the Volga, the longest river in Europe, has reached a critical level. Raw sewage has been pumped into it and it is further contaminated by thousands of wrecks that lie on its bed, the Kremlin has said.

What are the problems with using the Volga River?

Forests along the river are being cut, affecting runoff. Smaller rivers feeding the Volga are drying up. Like the Mississippi, there are looming problems with decreasing water levels and stagnant, tainted reservoirs. Trash is the bane of the Volga shoreline.

Which river flows into Caspian Sea?

Volga River

Which is the longest river in Russia?

The longest river in Russia as of 2019 was the Lena River located in the East Siberia, whose length was measured at 4.4 thousand kilometers….Longest rivers in Russia as of 2019, by length (in 1,000 kilometers)

Characteristic Length in thousand kilometers

What is the largest inland sea in the world?

Caspian Sea

What’s the deepest freshwater lake in the world?

Lake Baikal

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