What does water symbolize in Anthem?
Water is suggestive of birth and rebirth, of new beginnings and the “washing away” of the old. Think baptism. Light and Water complement each other. You could think of Liberty 5-3000 playing water-bearer (she does literally, in Chapter 4) to Equality 7-2521’s light-bearer.
What is the one word of Equality’s anthem?
An anthem is a song or hymn of praise or gladness; what is the ONE word of Equality’s anthem? I; This ties in with and is probably the Unspeakable Word because it represents individuality.
What was the great truth in Anthem?
The Great Truth: the belief that human beings are not individuals but mere fragments of a whole. Individuality is UNREAL! The Unmentionable Times: the days in the past when humans still possessed individual rights and political freedom. These days are considered evil.
What is the root of all evil in Anthem?
In Anthem, the “root of all evil” is the word “We”, and how individualism is important, and it should never be put first in a person’s soul. In the other quote, it talks about how money bring upon evil and greed, and how it brings out the worst in people. Mainly because people would do anything to get money.
What happens in chapter 11 of Anthem?
Chapter 11 is Equality 7-2521’s anthem in praise of the word “I.” He has discovered it in the books from the Unmentionable Times, and it has completed his transformation from cog in the collective machine to maker of his own destiny. With this word he fully embraces his own free will.
What name does equality choose for himself?
What Discovery does equality make in Chapter 11?
By Ayn Rand Equality 7-2521 has finally discovered the first-person singular. At last, he tells us, he’s found “the words,” and “the answer,” he was looking for. He, himself, is the meaning of things.
What is the theme of Anthem?
Individualism. Without a doubt, individualism is the core theme of Anthem. The entire text is essentially a parable designed to illustrate the paramount importance of Ayn Rand’s idea of individual will.
What words are considered holy equality?
What words are considered holy by Equality 7-2521? “I will it.”
Why does equality fight against them?
Why does Equality fight against them? Because he derives joy and happiness from what he’s doing and he doesn’t understand why they would deny people both that joy and the wonderful discoveries that can be made.
How is equality a hero in Anthem?
Equality 7-2521 is the narrator and the hero of Anthem. He’s the prototype Randian hero. He’s a noble, self-sufficient individual who stands up to his whole society to defend his own freedom. He’s also the kind of exceptional guy who’s able to do more on his own than the combined forces of all the rest of humanity.
What does equality look like in Anthem?
Equality 7-2521 He is vain and self-centered, strong, beautiful, and intelligent. He is deeply curious and desires freedom to explore and think, and he is unafraid of the society of mindless drones around him.
What did equality 72521 create?
Equality 7-2521 discovers how to make a lightbulb work. He believes he alone has made light. He has found the materials for making the lightbulb in the tunnel where he is hiding, and he has used wires to make electricity flow through the lightbulb and produce light.
Why is equality called the unconquered?
Equality has evolved from his very status-quo name. His old society had attempted to beat Equality into being submissive to expectations. Instead, Equality becomes subversive to their expectations. Equality finds the forest and rises above everything, he becomes “unconquered”.