What does wring out mean?
To wring out is to squeeze liquid from something by pressing or twisting it — or to extract information from someone using a similar kind of force.
What is the synonym of Squeeze?
force, thrust, stick, cram, ram, jam, stuff, pack, compress, wedge, press, squash, tamp, drive. 4’we all squeezed into Steve’s van’ crowd, crush, cram, pack, jam, squash, wedge oneself, shove, push, jostle, force one’s way, thrust.
What is squeeze slang for?
(slang) a person’s girlfriend or boyfriend. “she was his main squeeze” type of: lover.
What’s another word for tighten up?
What is another word for tighten up?
systemize | arrange |
array | contrive |
design | devise |
dispose | establish |
frame | institute |
Whats the opposite of Squeeze?
What is the opposite of squeeze?
release | loosen |
disconnect | discharge |
disengage | extricate |
untighten | unclench |
unloose | unchain |
Can you squeeze me in meaning?
: to find time for (someone or something) I can squeeze you in after my one o’clock appointment.
What are things you can squeeze?
Name something you might squeeze.
What does outspread mean?
verb (used with or without object), out·spread, out·spread·ing. to spread out; extend: an eagle outspreading its wings. adjective. spread out; stretched out: outspread arms. diffused abroad; widely disseminated: The outspread news had traveled quickly.
What mean increase?
What does increase mean? To increase is to become greater or more in number, amount, size, or in some other way, as in Our profits will increase as demand increases. It can also refer to the amount by which something has increased, as in The increase was $5,000 per year.
Can be squeezed level 48?
Can I squeeze past?
In a crowded place, you have to stand and walk very close to other people, in tight spaces, which sometimes feels a little uncomfortable, like you’re being “squeezed.” Asking to “squeeze past” someone is a friendly way to deal with an uncomfortable situation.
What is something you twist?
twist Add to list Share. When you twist something, you turn it in a different direction. You might twist off a bottle cap, or you might even twist the plot of a story you are writing. A kite’s tail twists in the wind, curling around itself, and a baker twists a piece of dough into a pretzel shape.
What does twist mean in slang?
slang A girl or woman. From rhyming slang, in which “twist” is short for “twist and twirl,” which rhymes with “girl.” Tommy’s spending all his time with his new twist. He never comes around to see us anymore.
What does it mean to twist someone’s words?
: to repeat what someone said in a way that has a different meaning He twisted my words and made it seem like I was angry.