What effect does Slim have on others?

What effect does Slim have on others?

Slim is practical, intelligent, and dignified. George and Lennie see him as an ally right away, especially in their combat with Curley. George trusts him enough to confide in him and tell him some of their story. He also assists them when Lennie does get into trouble with Curley, and later with his wife.

What effect does Slim have on George?

Analysis. Slim comforts George by repeating you hadda , emphasising to George that he did not have any choice but to kill Lennie.

Did slim help plan the killing of Lennie?

After George has to kill Lennie, Slim treats him in a very compassionate way. He shows that he understands what George did and he knows why George had to do it. To me, Slim does this because he is the only really decent character in the whole book (outside of Lennie and George).

What does slim think should happen to Lennie and why?

Slim is suggesting to George that Lennie can’t stay locked up in the same place. I agree with this because he’ll probably get really scared and turn violent or crazy. Slim tells George it wouldn’t be good for Lennie to be locked up, strapped down, and put in a cage.

How does Slim help Lennie get in trouble?

Slim helped Lennie from getting into trouble by threatening Curley to tell people that he got his head stuck in a machine and if he tried to get Lennie canned then they will tell everyone what actually happened and people will laugh at him. You’ve reached the end of your free preview.

Why did slim drown the puppies?

Slim reports that he drowned four of the puppies immediately because their mother would have been unable to feed them. Carlson suggests that they convince Candy to shoot his old, worthless mutt and raise one of the pups instead.

Why does George kill Lennie?

George kills Lennie to spare him from a painful death at the hands of the mob. George knows Curley will not care that Lennie’s actions were unintentional and decides to give Lennie a quick and merciful death to spare him from the suffering he would endure if left to Curley and the other farmhands.

What happened to Slim’s dog the night before?

Slim’s dog just had a litter of puppies the night before. Carlson suggests that Slim give one of his puppies to Candy so that they can get rid of the old dog who smells and has many health problems.

What details show that Curley doesn’t love his wife?

What details show that Curley does not love his wife? Because he wants to find Lennie and murder him even though he should stay with his dead wife.

What does Curley symbolize?

Curley represents an obstacle to George and Lennie because he abuses the power he possesses on the ranch. Curley’s first appearance with George and Lennie shows how much of an obstacle he will be for them.

What is wrong with crooks?

Crooks is so named because of a crooked back caused by a kick from a horse. Crooks is the stable hand who takes care of the horses and lives by himself because he is the only black man on the ranch. Along with Candy, Crooks is a character used by Steinbeck to show the effects of discrimination.

How did crooks hurt back?

Injured when a horse kicked him, Crooks has a body that is bent to the left because of his crooked spine.

What are 3 reasons why crooks desires company?

It reveals that he’s educated and smart 3 reasons why crook desires company He needs someone to comfort him He needs someone to talk to He needs someone to play card games with A quote that shows Crook is lonely= ”a guy goes nuts if he don’t got nobody” IMAGINE CROOKS HAD A TWITTER WRITE HIS STATUS AFTER THE OTHER MEN …

What does crooks back symbolize?

Crooks is isolated because of his race, his disability and his deep mistrust of others. He is physically separated from the other men and has his own room in the barn. His crooked back means that like candy he has limited social or work contact with the other men as he tends the horses.

What do crooks glasses symbolize?

Crook’s glasses are gold rimmed, they symbolize his intelligence and mental capabilities, in a world that cares more about braun than brain.

What does crooks believe in?

Expert Answers Crooks believes that George and Lennie’s plan to have a small farm is just a pipe dream because he has seen “hundreds of men” come through with the same hopes and never have the dreams been fulfilled, nor have any others, for that matter.

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