
What effect does Smiling have on a teacher giving no homework hypothesis?

What effect does Smiling have on a teacher giving no homework hypothesis?

What effect does smiling have on teacher giving no homework? If we smole more then the teacher will give less homework.

How does the use of an organized binder affect the amount of homework a student turns in hypothesis?

IF an organized binder is used, THEN students will turn in an increased amount of homework/more homework. Explanation: A hypothesis in an experiment is a testable explanation to a problem.

What effect does food color have on fish?

Food color have Absolutely no effect on the amount of food fish eat. Fish take food into their mouths and taste it. If they do like it, they swallow it, otherwise they will spit it out. The color of the flakes has nothing to do on what the fish takes in and tastes.

Why do students make noise in the classroom?

Noise in classrooms leads to increased stress and the teacher having to raise their voice louder. It also leads to a negative feedback loop of noise; to hear what’s being said young people have to talk louder and louder. This could in the long term affect students and teachers hearing.

Does fertilizer make a plant grow bigger independent variable?

Notice there are different amounts of fertilizer (zero drops, 2 drops, 4 drops and 6 drops) being applied to the plants. These are the levels or conditions of the independent variable. If the amount of fertilizer is increased, then plant growth will increase.

What fertilizer makes plants grow taller?

nitrogen fertilizer

Which type of medium is best for plant growth?

Roots grow in the spaces between individual particles of soil. Air and water also travel through these pore spaces. Water is the medium that carries nutrients that plants need to fuel their growth, and air is needed for root growth and the health of soil microorganisms that help supply plants with nutrients.

Does fertilizer make plants bigger?

Plant growth is important to agriculture because farmers need to produce food efficiently. Fertilizer assists in plant growth. Farmers select fertilizers they believe will not only make their plants grow larger, but faster as well. You can conduct science experiments related to the speed of plant growth.

Do plants grow better with fertilizer or without?

Plants can generally grow without fertilizer, but they may take more time to get the elements they need to thrive.

How do you speed up plant growth?

This article summarizes what can — and can not — be done to accelerate growth and development to meet your marketing date.

  1. Temperature. The most effective way growers can accelerate plant development is to increase the greenhouse air temperature.
  2. Light intensity.
  3. Photoperiod.
  4. Gibberellic acid.
  5. Nutrition.

How do I make my plant stems stronger?

Here are some of the most popular ways to get thicker stems on your plants:

  1. Grow Room Fan – If you do not have one already, you should definitely have an oscillating fan in your grow room.
  2. Potassium Silicate – One of the most effective hydroponics supplements for getting thicker stems is potassium silicate.

How can I make my plants stronger?

Healthy plants don’t happen by accident. To grow strong and verdant, plants need sun and water as well as soil that has sufficient nutrients… and that’s where commercial fertilizer comes in. Fertilizer puts badly needed nutrients back into the soil, but it can be harsh on plants, and it’s costly too.

How do you fix weak stems?

If it’s stretching, add more soil right up to the first set of leaves to strengthen the stem. If it’s just a weak plant, put a small chop stick (or something equivalent) into the soil as a stake and tie the plant to it.

Why is my plant growing tall and skinny?

Why is my plant growing tall and skinny? There could be several reasons why your plant is growing like that. Some of the factors that lead to such growth are unstable temperatures, lack of nutrients in the soil, and improper lighting schedules.

How do I stop my plants from growing too tall?

Why Stop A Plant From Growing Tall?

  1. To maintain privacy.
  2. To grow bigger fruits and flowers.
  3. Perform Low-Stress Training on The Plants.
  4. Perform Topping on The Plants.
  5. Keep Lights Closer to The Plants.
  6. Perform Fimming on The Plants.

What do you do when a plant gets too tall?

It’s like mowing the lawn: cut the tops (and the roots, when you root prune a houseplant) when they get a bit larger than desired to slightly less than desired, let the plant grow again, cut it back again, and so on. Don’t worry that the plants won’t tolerate this treatment.

How do you fix a leggy plant?

How to fix leggy seedlings

  1. Make sure they’re getting enough hours of light. If you don’t have a seed starting rack, consider building one.
  2. If they’re not getting enough light, thin them out.
  3. Plant them deeper.
  4. Keep the air moving around your plants.
  5. You can pinch back some seedlings to promote bushier growth.

How do you stop leggy seeds from growing?

2. Use a gently blowing fan on them for a few hours per day. This will trick your seedling into thinking they are growing in a windy environment. To protect themselves, the seedlings release chemicals that will allow them to grow thicker, helping them withstand the wind.

Can leggy plants recover?

Most leggy plants become sturdier once they are growing outside. Put a small fan next to your seedlings on a timer so that the plants are blown in the breeze for a couple of hours a day and gently passing your hand over the tops of seedlings a few times every day to stimulate stronger growth.

How do you stop leggy plants?

Make sure you situate plants where they get adequate light to keep them from stretching towards the sunshine. Pinch back the tip growth of plants, like petunias, to force bushiness and more stems which means more flowers.

Why are my roses tall and spindly?

Spindly roses are often the result of poor circulation due to crowded conditions. Your roses will not receive adequate air or sun when they are spaced too closely with other plants. Additionally, if you do not prune your rosebushes, they become overgrown and weak.

What plants can you pinch out?

Some of the most popular bedding plants which benefit from being pinched out are:

  • Petunias.
  • Fuchsias.
  • Dahlias.
  • Pelargoniums (geraniums)
  • Antirrhinums.
  • Marigolds.
  • Sweet peas.
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