What exactly is Western civilization?

What exactly is Western civilization?

The term Western civilization is a catchall to refer to the many cultures of European heritage that share common cultural ideas, philosophical foundations, and ancestral beliefs. Basically, the idea is that these cultures all have a common heritage, which has been important in the development of each.

Is the United States considered Western civilization?

Western culture is commonly said to include: Australia and New Zealand, Canada, all European member countries of the EFTA and EU, the European microstates, the NATO military alliance, the United Kingdom and the United States.

What is a Western Civilization class?

This course meets the General Education requirement for Critical Thinking. This course is a survey and critical examination of Western human history and explores the social, political, religious, intellectual, and artistic achievements from the earliest human civilizations to the Age of Reason.

What are the core values of Western civilization?

Values of Western culture have, throughout history, been derived from political thought, widespread employment of rational argument favouring freethought, assimilation of human rights, the need for equality, and democracy. Historical records of Western culture in Europe begin with Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

What is the difference between Eastern and Western music?

A major difference between Western music and Middle Eastern music is that Western music tends to be based on a scale (sometimes called a key), while Oriental music is based on a maqam. It also consists of a melody scrap based on certain key notes from that scale and a certain tendency of movement.

What is meant by western music?

Western music is a form of country music composed by and about the people who settled and worked throughout the Western United States and Western Canada. Western music celebrates the lifestyle of the cowboy on the open ranges, Rocky Mountains, and prairies of Western North America.

How does the music of East Asia differ from that of Western cultures?

How does the music of East Asia differ from that of Western cultures? In East Asia, the scale is based off of the first note. East Asian music only makes use of five types of instruments. East Asian scales are based on mathematical formulas, in which the distance between notes is decided by ratios of pitches.

What are the pitch names?

Clefs and Pitch Names LIE The system of five lines and four spaces is called a STAFF. Basic pitch names are designated by the alphabet from A to G (A-B-C-D-E-F-G). The TREBLE clef , or G clef, designates the second line of the staff as “G” so the lines are named: I!

What is the pitch of D?

Frequencies for equal-tempered scale, A4 = 440 Hz

Note Frequency (Hz) Wavelength (cm)
D4 293.66 117.48
D#4/Eb4 311.13 110.89
E4 329.63 104.66
F4 349.23 98.79

Which note is the highest in pitch?

The pitch named “A” is the lowest frequency, and the pitch named “G” is the highest. The white keys on a piano keyboard are assigned these letters, as shown below.

Is F higher than g?

In the major scale, there are eight notes going up the steps from bottom to top. These are the eight notes of the octave. On a C scale, the notes from low to high would be C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. D-flat would be a half tone lower than D, and would be the same sound as C-sharp.

Is B# the same as C?

B# and C are the same note. B# and C are the same frequency, but we use 7 notes in each key and give them each a letter and a value. Some keys use that frequency for B#, some use it for C, some for Dbb.

Why are there 7 notes in an octave?

The next pitch is called the octave because it’s the eighth note (just as an octopus has eight legs). More than a thousand years ago the letters of the Roman alphabet were adopted to refer to these, and since there were only seven the letters ran A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

Is an octave 7 or 8 notes?

There are 12 notes in an octave, but the major scale has 7 pitches.

How many notes are there in Western music?

In the western musical scale, there are 12 notes in every octave. These notes are evenly distributed (geometrically), so the next note above A, which is B flat, has frequency 440 × β where β is the twelfth root of two, or approximately 1.0595.

Why is an octave 8 notes?

The word “octave” comes from a Latin root meaning “eight”. It seems an odd name for a frequency that is two times, not eight times, higher. The octave was named by musicians who were more interested in how octaves are divided into scales, than in how their frequencies are related.

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